added support for race 4, On the Rocks

This commit is contained in:
alterNERDtive 2022-05-04 17:58:39 +02:00
parent ba11903ecb
commit bba2ababd3
5 changed files with 430 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
# devel
## Added
* Support for race 4, On the Rocks
# 3.1.1 (2022-04-19)
## Fixed

On the Rocks.asl Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// Defines the process to monitor. We are not reading anything from the games memory, so its empty.
// We still need it though, LiveSplit will only run the auto splitter if the corresponding process is present.
// See
state("EliteDangerous64") {}
// Executes when LiveSplit (re-)loads the auto splitter. Does general setup tasks.
// See
startup {
// Relevant journal entries
vars.journalReader = null;
vars.journalEntries = new List<System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex>(9);
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""Undocked"", ""StationName"":""Rebuy Prospect"", ""StationType"":"".*"", ""MarketID"":\d+(, ""Taxi"":(true|false), ""Multicrew"":(true|false))? \}"));
System.Linq.Enumerable.Repeat<Action>(() => {
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""FSDJump""(, ""Taxi"":(true|false), ""Multicrew"":(true|false))?, ""StarSystem"":""(Andhrimi|Artemis|Felkan|Nu Tauri|Othime)"", ""SystemAddress"":\d+, .*\}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""SupercruiseExit""(, ""Taxi"":(true|false), ""Multicrew"":(true|false))?, ""StarSystem"":""(Andhrimi|Artemis|Felkan|Nu Tauri|Othime)"", ""SystemAddress"":\d+, ""Body"":""(Big Pappa's Base|Freeholm|Jack's Town|Simbad's Refuge|Lone Rock)"", ""BodyID"":\d+, ""BodyType"":""Station"" \}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""MarketSell"", ""MarketID"":\d+, ""Type"":"".*""(, ""Type_Localised"":"".*"")?, ""Count"":\d+, ""SellPrice"":\d+, ""TotalSale"":\d+, ""AvgPricePaid"":\d+ \}"));
}, 5);
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""FSDJump""(, ""Taxi"":(true|false), ""Multicrew"":(true|false))?, ""StarSystem"":""Fullerene C60"", ""SystemAddress"":4030566762835, .*\}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""SupercruiseExit""(, ""Taxi"":(true|false), ""Multicrew"":(true|false))?, ""StarSystem"":""Fullerene C60"", ""SystemAddress"":4030566762835, ""Body"":""Rebuy Prospect"", ""BodyID"":\d+, ""BodyType"":""Station"" \}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""Docked"", ""StationName"":""Rebuy Prospect"", ""StationType"":"".*""(, ""Taxi"":(true|false), ""Multicrew"":(true|false))?, ""StarSystem"":""Fullerene C60"", .*\}"));
// Reset conditions
vars.resetConditions = new List<System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex>();
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""Repair"", .*\}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""RepairAll"", ""Cost"":\d+ \}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""RefuelAll"", ""Cost"":\d+, ""Amount"":\d+\.\d+ \}"));
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\{ ""timestamp"":""(?<timestamp>.*)"", ""event"":""RefuelPartial"", ""Cost"":\d+, ""Amount"":\d+\.\d+ \}"));
// Journal file handling
vars.journalPath = Path.Combine(
"Saved Games",
"Frontier Developments",
"Elite Dangerous"
vars.currentJournal = "none";
vars.updateJournalReader = (Action)delegate() {
FileInfo journalFile = new DirectoryInfo(vars.journalPath).GetFiles("journal.*.log").OrderByDescending(file => file.LastWriteTime).First();
print("Current journal file: " + vars.currentJournal + ", latest journal file: " + journalFile.Name);
if (journalFile.Name != vars.currentJournal) {
vars.journalReader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(journalFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite));
vars.currentJournal = journalFile.Name;
// Watch for new files
FileSystemWatcher journalWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(vars.journalPath);
journalWatcher.Created += (object sender, FileSystemEventArgs eventArgs) => {
journalWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// Initialize split counter
vars.currentSplit = 0;
// Executes when LiveSplit detects the game process (see “state” at the top of the file).
// In our case the journal and netlog files are unique to every execution of the game, so we need to prepare them here.
// We also need to check if file logging is enabled (the setting is not available in `startup`) and create/open our log file.
// See
init {
// Executes as long as the game process is running, by default 60 times per second.
// Unless explicitly returning `false`, `start`, `split` and `reset` are executed right after.
// See
update {
current.journalString = vars.journalReader.ReadToEnd();
// Executes every `update`. Starts the timer if the first journal event is detected.
// See
start {
bool start = false;
if (vars.journalEntries[0].Match(current.journalString).Success) {
start = true;
vars.currentSplit = 1;
return start;
// Executes every `update`. Triggers a split if the journal event triggering the next split is detected.
// See
split {
bool split = false;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(current.journalString)) {
if (vars.journalEntries[vars.currentSplit].Match(current.journalString).Success) {
split = true;
return split;
// Executes every `update`. Triggers a reset if a reset condition is met.
// See
reset {
bool reset = false;
if (settings["autoReset"] && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(current.journalString)) {
foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex condition in vars.resetConditions)
if (condition.Match(current.journalString).Success) {
reset = true;
return reset;
// Executes when the game process is shut down.
// In our case were going to close the files we opened in `init`.
// See
exit {
// Executes when LiveScript shuts the auto splitter down, e.g. on reloading it.
// When reloading the splitter with the game running, LiveSplit does **not** execute `exit`, but it does execute `shutdown`.
// see
shutdown {
if (vars.journalReader != null) {

On the Rocks.lsl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Layout version="1.6.1">
<BackgroundImage />
<HeaderComparison>Current Comparison</HeaderComparison>
<HeaderTimingMethod>Current Timing Method</HeaderTimingMethod>
<Comparison>Personal Best</Comparison>
<TimingMethod>Real Time</TimingMethod>
<Comparison>Personal Best</Comparison>
<TimingMethod>Real Time</TimingMethod>
<TimingMethod>Current Timing Method</TimingMethod>
<Comparison>Personal Best</Comparison>

On the Rocks.lss Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Run version="1.7.0">
<GameIcon />
<GameName>Elite Dangerous</GameName>
<CategoryName>On the Rocks</CategoryName>
<Run id="" />
<Platform usesEmulator="False">
<Variables />
<Name>-Jump to first stop</Name>
<Name>-Drop at first stop</Name>
<Name>{First stop}Sell at first stop</Name>
<Name>-Jump to second stop</Name>
<Name>-Drop at second stop</Name>
<Name>{Second stop}Sell at second stop</Name>
<Name>-Jump to third stop</Name>
<Name>-Drop at third stop</Name>
<Name>{Third stop}Sell at third stop</Name>
<Name>-Jump to fourth stop</Name>
<Name>-Drop at fourth stop</Name>
<Name>{Fourth stop}Sell at fourth stop</Name>
<Name>-Jump to fifth stop</Name>
<Name>-Drop at fifth stop</Name>
<Name>{Fifth stop}Sell at fifth stop</Name>
<Name>-Jump to Fullerene C60</Name>
<Name>-Drop at Rebuy Prospect</Name>
<Name>{Return to Rebuy Prospect}Dock at Rebuy Prospect</Name>
<AutoSplitterSettings />

View file

@ -79,4 +79,17 @@ Interchange Hub, nor enforce the speed requirement.
There is one settings:
* `Automatically reset when refuelling or repairing`: Automatically reset when
you Refuel or repair, since that is against the rules. Disabled by default.
you Refuel or repair, since that is against the rules. Disabled by default.
### Race 4 On the Rocks
The AutoSplitter will start the timer once you undock from Rebuy Prospect. It
will **not** enforce selling 1t of beer mats (split will trigger at selling
_anything_), and **not** check if youre buying water at Jacks Town.
Since the order in which you visit the races stops is up to you, the splits
do not have a specific order and instead just list the `n`th stop.
There are no settings.