# 4.5 (2022-09-19) This might very well be the last release of this. With how the “Horizons 4.0” launch went, Frontier’s communication around it, and just _how_ horrible 4.0 is, I currently do not see me being motivated to actually port stuff to 4.0. And, let’s face it, 3.8 will go EoL eventually. Anyway, I still have some programming pet projects around this stuff that I might continue with and adapt this for, so I might sneak some fixes / updates in, and I’m not going to say never because who knows how I’ll feel about this in the future. Obviously there’s also still the option to _pay_ me to do stuff =p ### Fixed * Race condition in all plugins that might lead to commands using command-scoped variables (`~`) not working as intended. This was introduced in refactoring work that was done for 4.4. * Documentation proof read and fixed by @ACyprus. Thanks! ### Changed * Some behind the scenes things regarding how builds work. This will make it possible to build this entirely on Github (= less potential for human error) once I have dealt with #62 (see #143 as well). ## EliteAttack 8.5 ### Added * `target nearest […]` commands now log the result (with log level “INFO”). * `include outdated settlements` option: Include Odyssey settlements in the outdated stations list. Default: true. ### Fixed * `Docked` event now handles Odyssey settlements properly (they have no hangar). (#145) * Fixed potential race condition with the discovery scan event command queue. Might have an impact on #64. ## RatAttack 6.4 ### Fixed * Support for new Horizons 3 / Horizons 4 / Odyssey RATSIGNALs. (#159) * Made case list thread safe. Probably only ever impacted my own specific setup, but still a huge 🤦. * Apparently `^` can be part of both CMDR names and IRC nicks (fixed RATSIGNAL regex). ----- # 4.4 (2022-05-31) ### Added * The Configuration GUI now has an “Apply” button. ### Fixed * Configuration GUI now `.Activate()`s immediately to prevent it from hiding behind other windows. ## EliteAttack 8.4 ### Added * `auto retract landing gear` setting: Automatically retract landing gear when lifting off a planet / undocking from a station. Default: true. (#133) * `auto disable s r v lights` setting: Automatically turn SRV lights off when deploying one. Default: true. (#133) ### Fixed * `auto enter station services` option. (#142) ## RatAttack 6.3.1 * Added error message to the CLI tool for running VoiceAttack with elevated privileges which will cause an `UnAuthorizedAccessException` trying to communicate with the plugin. (#138) * Added warning to VoiceAttack when running it with elevated privileges. (#138) ## SpashAttack 7.2.2 * Fixed getting current jump range from EDDI; no longer fails on the first try, no longer sometimes reports the last requested range instead of current. ----- # 4.3 (2022-05-19) **NOTE**: Further development is on hold and Odyssey compatibility will not be worked on for the time being. See [the corresponding issue on Github](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/VoiceAttack-profiles/issues/113). Feel free to file issues for anything that is broken on Odyssey and it will be worked on when it is worked on. That said, there is now a settings UI! It’s not pretty, it’s basic, but it does the job. * Updated documentation for the switch to 64-bit as the standard VoiceAttack distribution format. * Updated included `bindED` plugin. ### Added * `customize settings` command: Brings up a rudimentary settings UI. (#80) * `open documentation` command: Opens the profile’s documentatin in your default browser. * Section about HCS compatibility in “Troubleshooting” documentation (#130). ### Fixed * Log level settings description no longer contains literal `\n`s. * Documentation now mentions that you have to reload your custom profile after creating the `startup` command for the first time. (#129) * Clarified not having to install bundled dependencies manually. (#127) * Reordered setup instructions to clarify that the profile example already comes with a `startup` command. (#126) * No longer cuts off EDDI’s “update available” TTS on VoiceAttack start. (#120) * Implemented workaround for EDDI’s `Body scanned` event sometimes not setting variables correctly. Might drop some events, will log to `DEBUG`. (#121) ## EliteAttack 8.3 ### Added * `INFO` logging for carrier events. * `auto refuel` setting: Automatically refuel after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133) * `auto repair` setting: Automatically repair after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133) * `auto move to hangar` setting: Automatically move the ship to the hanger after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133) * `auto enter station services`: Automatically enter the Station Services menu after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133) * `find nearest […]` command now logs the result to the VoiceAttack log (log level `INFO`). (#96) ## RatAttack 6.3 ### Added * Now gives feedback after asking for call confirmation: “Call aborted.” / “Calling <…>.”. * `auto copy rat case system` setting: Automatically copy the client’s system to the clipboard when you open a rat case. Default: true. * Now asks for call confirmation more clearly: “send call \ to fuel rats?” instead of an easily misinterpreted “call \?”. The question inflection is more or less pronounced depending on the TTS voice used and has led to confusion. (#101) ### Fixed * No longer trying to get nearest CMDR for the new “Unconfirmed” system info. * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for locales containing `&`. * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for system information containing `/` (e.g. “Herbig AE/BE star”). * “Not Set” case number when asking for details about an invalid case. * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for locales containing `,`. * No longer determines (nor logs) nearest CMDR if announcing nearest CMDR is turned off while also being off duty. * No longer silently swallows calls if call confirmation is disabled. (#128) ## SpanshAttack 7.2.1 ### Fixed * OBOE on last jump. * Moved jumps left announcement from getting the next waypoint (now happens at the start of a jump) to the `Jumped` event (happens after a jump). (#124) * Will no longer go to neutron jump mode if no route has been found (= there is only a single waypoint). (#104) ----- # 4.2.3 (2021-05-23) Updated included bindED plugin to version 4.1 that fixes Odyssey compatibility. No actual code / profile changes. ----- # 4.2.2 (2021-05-19) Now comes with Odyssey-compatible bindED. **DO read [the release notes on that](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/bindED/releases/tag/release/4.0) before upgrading!** ## RatAttack 6.2.2 ### Fixed * Added handling for Odyssey clients. (#114) * Correctly setting system for manual Ratsignals (`""`) to `None` now. IMO a Mecha bug, but whatever. * Code reds are now correctly detected again with the new case announcement format. (#115) ----- # 4.2.1 (2021-05-03) This will probably be the last pre-Odyssey release. I am not in the Odyssey alpha, and I have no ETA on a compatibility release. Please do file issues you encounter regardless. Changes to the RATSIGNAL produced by Swiftsqueak broke not only the parsing, but also the default string used to detect them in AdiIRC. You’ll need to listen to `on *:TEXT:*RATSIGNAL*(??_SIGNAL):#fuelrats:` instead. ## Documentation * Reworded the 32- vs. 64-bit part of the VoiceAttack installation instructions. Some scenarios require one or the other, otherwise it probably doesn’t matter which you pick. ## EliteAttack 8.2.1 ### Fixed * ~~No longer tries to auto-honk after a hyperdiction event. (#105)~~ Sadly doesn’t quite work, yet. * On-demand outdated station check works again. (#108) ## RatAttack 6.2.1 ### Fixed * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for new format. Needs adjusting your IRC client, see above. IRC formatting will now be stripped before sending to VoiceAttack. (#111) * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for language strings that contain numbers (e.g. “es-419”). * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for “unknown system” (which contains a zero-width space …) * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for procedually generated landmark systems. * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing landmark systems with alternate names. ### Changed * Removed the TTS prompt and logging from incoming invalid RATSIGNALs by default, for real this time. See the `((RatAttack.invalidRatsignal))` command for info on how to re-enable for yourself. ----- # 4.2 (2021-03-09) ## EliteAttack 8.2 ### Added * "limpet check" configuration option: Do a limpet check when undocking, reminding you if you forgot to buy some. Default: true. (see discussion on #86) ## RatAttack 6.2 ### Added * `distance to latest rat case` command: gives you you current distance to the latest rat case. ### Fixed * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for “Sagittarius A*” landmark. * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for new wording of injected cases with no system given. * Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for “cardinal direction” addition to distance estimates for proc gen systems. ## SpanshAttack 7.2 ### Changed * Moved EDTS system coordinate estimation code from Python script to the VoiceAttack plugin. ### Removed * `edts.exe` Python script. ----- # 4.1 (2021-02-19) ## EliteAttack 8.1 ### Added * `how many jumps left` command: Announces the jumps left on a neutron trip (requires SpanshAttack) or a course plotted via the galaxy map. * `route jump count` configuration option: Give a jump count on plotting a route. Default: true. * Now reports on AFMU repairs. * `repair reports` configuration option: Report on AFMU repairs. Default: true. * Now reports on Synthesis. * `synthesis reports` configuration option: Report on synthesis. Default: true. ### Fixed * Restricted outdated stations check to systems with stations again. * `Material Threshold` event should no longer cause logging errors. ## RatAttack 6.1 ### Added * `call jumps [left;]` command: Calls jumps for the currently open case based on a neutron trip (requires Spanshattack) or a plotted ingame route. * Now uses Mecha’s system information in the RATSIGNAL in case announcements. * `system information for fuel rat case` configuration option: System information provided by Mecha. Default: true. * `latest rat case details` command: Will give you the case data for the latest incoming case. ### Changed * Removed TTS prompt from the invalid RATSIGNAL trigger. It’s still in the log, but you won’t get spammed in voice every time the format changes before an update to the profiles is out. * No longer looks up your nearest CMDR to a rat case if the system is neither in Mecha’s galaxy database nor a potentially valid system name. (#89) ### Fixed * Updated RATSIGNAL parsing to correctly handle new format for landmark systems. * Updated RATSIGNAL parsing to accomodate new “Invalid system name” info and colouration. * Updated RATSIGNAL parsing for new nick announcement (if different than CMDR name) ## SpanshAttack 7.1 ### Added * `skip [this;current] neutron waypoint` command: Skips the next neutron waypoint. (#94) * Now also announces the actual jump count with the trip time. ----- # 4.0.2 (2021-02-04) ## RatAttack 6.0.1 ### Fixed * RATSIGNAL parsing updated for latest Mecha3 changes. ----- # 4.0.1 (2021-01-30) ## SpanshAttack 7.0.1 ### Fixed * Now correctly getting the next neutron waypoint again after reaching the current one. ----- # 4.0 (2021-01-29) This version introduces huge (and _breaking_) changes. **Make sure to refer to [the “Upgrading” section](https://alternerdtive.github.io/VoiceAttack-profiles/upgrading/) in the documentation if you are upgrading from an older version!** Oh yes, there is [an all new and improved documentation now](https://alternerdtive.github.io/VoiceAttack-profiles)! The biggest change is the addition of plugins to supplement the profiles, and the new `alterNERDtive-base` profile that handles a lot of the plugin-related tasks including configuration. Long-term goal is to re-implement the Python scripts in the plugins, too, to reduce the complexity (= probability of silly errors) and the download size. The profile package now also includes [my fork of the `bindED` plugin](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/bindED). If you use other profiles that expect the old version, you will see error messages in the log about not being able to invoke that plugin. [You can safely ignore that](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/bindED#migrating-from-the-old-plugin). ## alterNERDtive-base 4.0 ### Added * `alterNERDtive-base` plugin. Provides functionality common to all profiles. * Proper logging to the VoiceAttack log. You will notice a lot of useful information, more is available if you change the log level configuration option. Logging to a file for troubleshooting will be added at a later date. * `generate missing key binds report` command: Will place a list of missing key binds (provided by bindED) on your Desktop for troubleshooting. * Lots of new configuration options, see [the documentation](https://alternerdtive.github.io/VoiceAttack-profiles/configuration/general). * You can now have a list of configuration voice commands as well as a list of all configuration options and their current settings printed to the VoiceAttack log. * `open [docs;documentation;help] [site;]` command: Opens the new documentation site. * `open [docs;documentation;help] file` command: Opens the PDF version of the new documentation site distributed with the profiles for offline use. ### Removed * `Python.scriptPath` configuration option: The scripts are basically already deprecated, and I’m from now on assuming that you use the profile package for installation/upgrades, so I expect the scripts where they are supposed to be. ### Changed * Completely reworked how the configuration works. It will be trivial to add new options in the future including voice commands to set them. Adding a GUI is also possible, but not on the roadmap yet. * EDDI events (and some other more administrative commands) are now hidden from the VoiceAttack log. * The command beep sound used by some commands as acknowledgment has been changed to a builtin sound effect in VoiceAttack to avoid having to ship a .wav file of unknown origin. ### EliteAttack 8.0 The `EliteDangerous` profile has been renamed to `EliteAttack` to be consistent with the other profiles. If you are upgrading instead of installing fresh, your profile will keep the old name. Feel free to manually rename it. ### Added * `EliteAttack` plugin. Doesn’t do a lot yet. * Submodule targeting! Say `target the [drive;drives;power plant;frame shift drive;f s d;shield generator]` to target submodules on your current target, and `clear sub [module;system] target` to clear your target. * `distance [from;to] [Sol;home;the center;Beagle Point;Colonia]` command: Gives you your current distance to the given POI. * `[where’s;where is] my landing pad` command: Will tell you the location of your assigned landing pad on a starport. * `[dis;]engage silent running` command: Handles silent running. * `[are there any;] outdated stations [in this system;]` command: Runs an on-demand check for outdated stations in the current system. * `open spansh` command: Opens https://spansh.uk in your default browser. ### Changed * `power to` command now supports of lot more options. `power to X and Y` sets 8/4/0, `balanced power to X and Y` sets 6/6/0, `half power to X` sets 6/3/3, `half power to X and Y` sets 5/5/2. * Moved the EDSM body count and outdated station checks from the `Jumped` event to the pre-jump `FSD engaged` event to work around increased EDSM response times. (#85) ### Removed * `[buggy;exploration] power` command. ### Fixed * `EDDI Material threshold` event now uses the correct variable names. It will automatically start working properly in a future version of EDDI that fixes some bugs with setting event variables. (#32) ### RatAttack 6.0 ### Added * `RatAttack` plugin. Responsible for handling case data instead of having a way too long and convoluted list of VoiceAttack variables. Also provides a way to send RATSIGNALs to VoiceAttack via IPC. * `RatAttack-cli.exe` helper tool. Used to send RATSIGNALs to the plugin via IPC. * Will now announce permit locks, including the name of the permit if available. * Now supports manually injected cases that might not provide a system. You will still have to manually copy the system from \#fuelrats or the dispatch board after it has been set. (#76) ### Changed * RATSIGNAL handling is no longer done through a file, there is now a helper tool that communicates with the plugin directly. See “Upgrading” in the documentation. * Now supports up to 31 cases (0–30). Thanks, Epicalypse! ### Fixed * Updated RATSIGNAL parsing for Mecha3. ### SpanshAttack 7.0 ### Added * `SpanshAttack` plugin. Does miscellaneous things for now, will at some point replace the dependency on the ED-NeutronRouter plugin. * Will now log the jumps calculated for a trip to the VoiceAttack log. ### Changed * Now pulls/announces next neutron waypoint on `FSD engaged` (starting a jump) instead of `Jumped` (finishing a jump). (#85) ### StreamAttack 2.0 ### Added * `distance [to;from] jump target` command: Tells you the current distance to the jump target. ### Changed * Jump target will now be set to SpanshAttack’s plot target if the actual target system is not in the database. ----- # 3.2.1 (2021-01-02) ## RatAttack 5.0.5 ### Fixed * RATSIGNAL parsing had to be updated _again_. -.- ----- # 3.2.0 (2020-12-31) The update mechanism has been changed to manual update in preparation of the 4.0 release that will come with the need to manually change some things around. So in order to not automatically leave people with a broken state, they will have to manually go through the update steps for 4.0. To reflect that, 3.2.0 will no longer auto-download a new release and instead send you to the release page on Github. ## RatAttack 5.0.4 ### Fixed * RATSIGNAL parsing updated for the latest Mecha3 changes. Permits are now orange instead of red. ## EliteDangerous 7.3 ### Changed * Updates are no longer automatic, instead you will be sent to the release page on Github. ----- # 3.1.3 (2020-11-06) Hopefully last Mecha3 compatibility release. ## RatAttack 5.0.3 ### Fixed * System names will now be `ToLower()`ed since Mecha3 capitalizes them and EDDI likes spelling those out instead of saying the names. Makes them a little messy in other ways, but less annoying overall. * Permit detection part of the RATSIGNAL RegEx fixed for named permits. * `XB` platform changed to `Xbox` to match Mecha3. ----- # 3.1.2 (2020-10-22) Bugfix to the bugfix, anyone? Mecha3 had a couple more changes to the case announcement I wasn’t aware of. All fixed now! (I hope.) Sorry for the inconveniece. ## RatAttack 5.0.2 ### Fixed * RATSIGNAL parsing updated for (hopefully) all the changes in Mecha3. ----- # 3.1.1 (2020-10-21) Bugfix release. ## RatAttack 5.0.1 ### Fixed * RATSIGNAL parsing update for Mecha3. ## EliteDangerous 7.2 ### Added * Outdated station check will now also tell you the amount of stations in the system if outdated stations are found. Now you can make sure no station is flat out missing! ### Fixed * `[find;target] […]` is now able to find brokers and traders again. * Outdated station notification has TTS again. ----- # 3.1 (2020-08-18) This is going to be the last release before I do a bunch of refactoring … including writing some VoiceAttack plugin stuff. Should make a bunch of things easier to tweak, and also allow you to more easily mix&match profiles, especially without using the current de-facto main profile `EliteDangerous`. So, just as a heads up, the next version might require some manual fiddling again :) ## EliteDangerous 7.1 ### Changed * Update check logging: now a) always logs when an update is found, even if logging is off and b) logs the command you need to run, in case you miss the TTS. * Limited `target nearest…` commands to a single concurrently running route search. Also added some feedback TTS. (#59) * Moved R2R announcements to the `Jumped` event. No discovery scan needed! (#61) ### Added * `open profiles change log`: opens `CHANGELOG.md` on Github. * Cancelling a carrier jump now also fires an `((EDDI Carrier cooldown))` event at the appropriate time. * Update check logging: now logs the current version when no update is found. (#58) * `target nearest …` commands now have a `find nearest` variation (#55) * `[bodies;whats;what is] left to [map;be mapped;scan]` has some more words now! (#54) ### Fixed * `Discovery scan` event now checks if EDSM body count has been refreshed since the last jump instead of referring to last system’s when EDSM is slow to respond. ## SpanshAttack 6.0.1 ### Added * Now gives TTS feedback on starting to plot a neutron route since looking up the system might take a few seconds. ### Changed * Now gets the next waypoint upon jumpin instead of supercharge; that means if you have copying to clipboard enabled and auto-plotting disabled, you can shave off some precious seconds by plotting the next waypoint while in the cone instead of waiting for the auto-plot that would happen a couple seconds later. ### Fixed * Plotting to systems not in the DB works again; copypasta fixed in `SpanshAttack.getNearestSystem` and typo in `SpanshAttack.plotNeutronRoute`. (#53) ----- # 3.0 (2020-08-03) A bug fix release turned major version update. That’s something new. The interesting changes are auto-updates and re-worked logging. Plus a bunch of fixes, as usual. **Note**: Since 2.0.1 you are probably seeing a warning about the profiles having been created with a newer VoiceAttack version. I am currently alpha testing a VoiceAttack build containing a bug fix. You should be able to safely ignore that message :) **BREAKING CHANGE IN ALL PROFILES**: The profiles now contain flags that will make them overwrite the current version if you import them, streamlining the update process and making it work like I expected it to work in the first place. In order for this to work properly in the future, you need to do the following steps _once_ when updating to this version: 1. Keep track of which of your profiles import any of my profiles and which ones. 1. Delete all of my profiles from VoiceAttack (`EliteDangerous`, `RatAttack`, `SpanshAttack`, `StreamAttack`). Technically also `SealAttack`, but since I am not currently including this you might want to keep it around if you are actually using it. 1. Import the updated profiles, either manually or in the way described under “Updating” in the README. 1. Fix all profiles that include the updated profiles. You are going to have to re-add the includes (“Edit Profile” → “Options” → “Include commands from other profiles”). 1. If you haven’t yet created your own custom profile and imported mine there, a) do that now for the future and b) you’ll have to re-configure any settings you have changed either through voice commands or fiddling with commands manually (don’t do the latter, please). You will only have to do this once. In the future you will also be able to make use of the new, improved and basically automated update process described in the README. Yay! ## EliteDangerous 7.0 ### Added * Parameterized `EliteDangerous.openSystemOnEdsm` command * `EliteDangerous.enableAutoUpdateCheck` setting. Invoke `[enable;disable] auto update check` to change. ### Changed * Is now set up to overwrite an old version on import. See “Updating” instructions in the README. * All logging to the VoiceAttack event log is now properly encapsuled. See the docs for instructions on how to enable logging. ### Fixed * `Route details event` now only firing when it should, not on automated triggers like handing in missions (#46) * `Route details event` now with correct escaping of Cottle syntax (no more “P \” TTS) * TTS now handles systems containing `'` correctly. (#49) ### Removed * `((EDDI Commander continued))` since that event is only used in StreamAttack anyway, so doesn’t need multiple handlers loaded. Shouldn’t really change anything. * `EliteDangerous.openCurrentSystemOnEdsm`, `EliteDangerous.openCopiedSystemOnEdsm` ## RatAttack 5.0 ### Changed * Is now set up to overwrite an old version on import. See “Updating” instructions in the README. * All logging to the VoiceAttack event log is now properly encapsuled. See the docs for instructions on how to enable logging. ### Fixed * `RatAttack.enableRatDuty` has TTS again. * TTS now handles systems containing `'` correctly. (#49) ## SealAttack **Has been removed for now.** You can still your current version around if you want to. It’s based on a very old version of RatAttack and the Seals IRC is still coming “when it’s done”, so currently I don’t see a good reason to keep it. When the Seals IRC becomes a thing, I’ll reintroduce this profile, based on the then-current version of RatAttack. That’s less work than trying to get current SealAttack up to date ## SpanshAttack 6.0 ### Changed * Is now set up to overwrite an old version on import. See “Updating” instructions in the README. * All logging to the VoiceAttack event log is now properly encapsuled. See the docs for instructions on how to enable logging. ### Fixed * TTS now handles systems containing `'` correctly. (#49) ## StreamAttack 1.0 ### Changed * Is now set up to overwrite an old version on import. See “Updating” instructions in the README. * All logging to the VoiceAttack event log is now properly encapsuled. See the docs for instructions on how to enable logging. ### Fixed * TTS now handles systems containing `'` correctly. (#49) ----- # 2.0.1 (2020-07-21) ## EliteDangerous 6.0.1 ### Fixed * `Carrier jump request` event now has TTS again. * (Hopefully) fixed timing on the carrier pre-lockdown warnings. * `Carrier jump engaged` TTS is now working properly again. * `how many do i have` working properly now? again? W/e, works. ## RatAttack 4.0.1 ### Fixed * `distance to …` commands will now report about invalid system names instead of silently failing. ----- # 2.0 (2020-07-18) This is a HUGE one! :D You now no longer have to fiddle with configuration options in the various `startup` commands. Instead you can set everything with voice commands! See the `docs/` and the new `_configuration` command sections of the individual profiles for details. Settings will only be saved in the profile you have selected when changing them, but be preserved if you switch around. This also means that importing the profiles and updating them has become easier on you, the user. The README has been updated with the new and improved installation, update and customization process. **Important**: I’ve made a lot of changes that _might_ break stuff if you just import into/over your existing profiles. Please _delete_ (or rename) the ones you currently have and import everything from scratch. Make sure to keep track of configuration/commands you have changed so you can get a similar state back after upgrading. **Importanter**: The profiles are now implementing features introduced in VoiceAttack 1.8.6. *You’ll __have__ to upgrade to __VoiceAttack 1.8.6__ to use them*. * Updated to `elite-scripts` 0.6. ## EliteDangerous 6.0 ### Added * Configuration via voice commands! * `Low Fuel` event will now tell you how many jumps you have left, or an estimate for your remaining range if it’s less than a single full range jump. * The threshold for stations to be considered outdated is now a configuration option. * Announcement of missing bodies on EDSM and outdated station data is now a configuration option. * `reload bindings` now has TTS feedback. * Old station search now also writes results to the log window. * New `open spansh` command. * Carrier lockdown announcements at 10, 5 and 2 minutes left. ### Changed * Configuration variables have been renamed to fit the global scheme of `Profile.variable`. If you have overwritten any, you’ll have to re-change them. You’ll have to do that anyway though because of voice command configuration :) * The Elite client is now targeted by process name instead of window title. Should technically be faster, but probably won’t make much of a difference. * System/body names are now passed to EDDI using the `{P("")}` literal which should improve pronunciation in most cases. * No longer targeting the Elite client profile-wide, instead on command level. Should be more accurate and alleviate potential issues with focus switching, and should be more robust when importing the profile. * Renamed `EDDI Events` category to `EDDI events` for consistency. Shouldn’t bother you at all unless you have fiddled with the commands in there. * Restricted a bunch of commands to only execute if they are not already running. * Focusing the Elite client for event commands that need to send keys should be more sturdy now. * Bumped required detection confidence for the `FSS` and `cruise` commands to 85 since they were misfiring a lot. If you have any problems please file an issue. ### Removed * `fix window dimensions` command. Too specific to my setup. ## RatAttack 4.0 ### Added * Configuration via voice commands! * `RatAttack.setRatDuty` command. Accepts a boolean parameter. `RatAttack.[enable;disable]RatDuty` still exist for calling from the command line. * Will now inform you if an incoming rat case is within the permit locked starter area. ### Changed * **Breaking Change**: Passing RATSIGNALs to VoiceAttack is no longer done through the windows clipboard, and instead through a file. See `docs/` for details. You have to change your IRC client’s configuration. * System/body names are now passed to EDDI using the `{P("")}` literal which should improve pronunciation in most cases. * Converted all command category names to lower case. Shouldn’t bother you at all unless you have fiddled with the commands. ## SealAttack 0.2 ### Added * Configuration via voice commands! As this profile is … a work in progress, not everything is implemented yet. ## SpanshAttack 5.0 ### Added * Configuration via voice commands! * `reload bindings` now has TTS feedback. * Renamed `EDDI Events` category to `EDDI events` for consistency. Shouldn’t bother you at all unless you have fiddled with the commands in there. * Restricted a bunch of commands to only execute if they are not already running. ### Changed * The Elite client is now targeted by process name instead of window title. Should technically be faster, but probably won’t make much of a difference. * System/body names are now passed to EDDI using the `{P("")}` literal which should improve pronunciation in most cases. * No longer targeting the Elite client profile-wide, instead on command level. Should be more accurate and alleviate potential issues with focus switching, and should be more robust when importing the profile. ## StreamAttack 0.3 ### Added * Configuration via voice commands! Not a lot to configure here though. ### Changed * Restricted `distance to jump target` command to a single running instance. ----- # 1.5.1 (2020-07-05) This is just a minor bug fix release. ## EliteDangerous 5.2.1 ### Fixed * `EDDI Carrier cooldown` will no longer call your carrier “Not set”. ----- # 1.5 (2020-07-05) Changed Changelog format. Should be even clearer now at a glance! See [KeepAChangelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). ## EliteDangerous 5.2 ### Added * Support for EDDI’s new `Carrier` events! * `>enableCarrierAnnouncements` configuration variable. Default: true. ### Removed * `check next [star;hop;jump;system]` command. Only works if the target system is in EDSM which makes the entire thing kind of pointless. * A bunch of personal chat macros. * `target ` command. NYI, haven’t found a way to make it work properly. ## RatAttack 3.1.1 ### Fixed * `distance to rat case […]` commands now actually work. ### Changed * Now setting EDDI to quiet mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed. ## SealAttack 0.1.1 ### Changed * Now setting EDDI to quiet mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed. ## SpanshAttack 4.0 ### Added * If the target system is not in the router’s data base but has already been uploaded to EDSM, it will now pull target coordinates from EDDI instead of making the user input them manually. This at least works for systems that are in EDSM, but haven’t been sent through EDDN. * If EDSM doesn’t know about the system either, it will now try getting coordinates through EDTS. EDTS calculates them based on the procedurally generated system name. Only if this fails will you have to input coordinates manually now! * Re-plotting a route is now aware of the actual target ≠ plot target conundrum. It will remember the plot target and re-use it instead of starting the process of finding a plottable system again. ### Changed * Now setting EDDI to quiet mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed. * `SpanshAttack.getNextNeutronWaypoint` reworked. The old one is now available as `SpanshAttack.copyNextNeutronWaypoint`. * If the target system is not in the database, it will now acknowledge that the system you plot to is not the actual target system and target the latter instead on the last way point. * Trip time will no longer be reset when re-plotting, nor when plotting a new route while a route is currently active. If you want to reset, make sure to `clear` the current route first. ## StreamAttack 0.2.1 ### Added * Now updates your location on `Carrier jumped` events. Those only fire when you are on board a carrier that is jumping, and it clearly changes your location. ### Changed * Now setting EDDI to quiet mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed. ----- # v1.4 (2020-06-19) This is basically just a bug fix release, but I happened to have one new feature ready, so it’s in, too! I managed to have leftover debug output in the version of `elite-scripts` published with v1.3. You might have noticed after jumping into a system that had a station with data in EDDN >1 year old. Apologies. * New, fixed version of `elite-scripts` included. ## EliteDangerous v5.1 * Added `shut up EDDI` command. Immediately makes EDDI stop talking. Might come in handy at some point. * Added a bunch of `target nearest ` commands powered by EDDI’s `route()` function. See the docs for details. * Added new “Navigation” section. This includes the aforementioned new commands and a bunch of old ones that fit there better than into “Misc”. ----- # v1.3 (2020-06-14) ## EliteDangerous v5.0 You don’t need to find out your bindings file anymore! It will now automatically be read from the file the game reads it from, too. * Removed the HOTAS buttons section. They were pretty personal to me and not very useful to other people anyway. They are in their own profile now without polluting the public one. * Fixed nav panel filter commands for the addition of fleet carriers. * Fixed the `EDDI Docked` event for the new interface. * There are a couple engineering/materials related things now. See the docs for more info. * Added `EDDI Entered normal space` event. Will now automatically throttle you to 0 upon exiting SC if `>hyperSpaceDethrottle` is set. * Replaced `EDDI Commander continued` with `EDDI commander loading` so it only runs when the game starts, not on relogging. If you don’t know what that means, it probably won’t affect you :) * Added `restart from Desktop` command. Useful for farming HGEs. You might want to set `>delays.quitToDesktop` according to your needs. Restarting the game also only works on 1080p currently. Might change in the future. * Updated miner’s tool URL. * Added `open Inara` and `open materials finder` commands. ## RatAttack v3.1 * Added `RatAttack.[enable;disable]RatDuty` commands that can be invoked externally more easily. ## SpanshAttack v3.1 Now also reads the correct bindings file (automatically). Didn’t read any bindings before even though it needs them … ## StreamAttack v0.2 * Now updates your location when dropping from SC. * Fixed some copypasta errors in the documentation. ----- # v1.2 (2020-03-09) ## EliteDangerous v4.0 The big new feature is being able to pull data from Spansh’s database in addition to EDSM. That allows checking for stations that haven’t had their data updated in ages. Probably not that interesting to you, but I like keeping things up to date in EDDN. * EDDI events will now focus Elite before sending keyboard inputs. That should help with inputs being swallowed. For non-event commands I’m just going to assume that Elite is already focused :) * Changed logic for “worthwhile” bodies while scanning a system. It will now alert you to terraformable bodies, Earth-like, Water and Ammonia Worlds. It will no longer check against a scan value. * Mapping a body will now announce the expected payout. * Added `>hyperspaceDethrottle` setting. Basically does the same thing as the SC Assist thing, and has been doing it forever. Now defaults to false. * Added a call to `StreamAttack.startup` to `EliteDangerous.startup`. Duh. And calls to the EDDI event handlers. * Fixed the docking request command if you currently have a target (and subsequently a forth “target” tab in your left hand panel). * Upon jumping into a (populated) system, will now check Spansh for stations in the system with outdated data (>1 yo) and announce those. ## RatAttack v3.0 * Added `open [rat;] dispatch board` command. Opens the web dispatch board in your default browser. * Added proper handling for multiple ratsignals hitting at once. That’s mainly an IRC client config thing, [see the docs](docs/configuration/RatAttack.md). * Renamed `RatAttack.getInfoFromRatsignal` to `RatAttack.announceCaseFromRatsignal`. Removed the “open case?” voice input prompt. * Added new `RatAttack.getInfoFromRatsignal` command that will only add a ratsignal’s data to the internal case list, but not announce the case. ## SpanshAttack v3.0 This now also pulls data from Spansh’s database. In this case to make sure your target system is actually in there for plotting. If not, it will prompt you for coordinates and use the nearest one that is. This means that you will now need to install my `elite-scripts` to run SpanshAttack. If you are using the profile package, you are doing that already and don’t have to do anything. * Added `SpanshAttack.defaultToLadenRange` config option. If enabled, will pull current range from EDDI before asking you to manually input a range for your ship. Sadly that will be range with full cargo but _current_ fuel levels. So make sure your tank is full. Will default to false for this very reason. * Will now check if you actually have a current and target system set and abort plotting a route if you e.g. aren’t logged into Elite or EDDI is throwing a fit. * As said above, SpanshAttack will now check for the target system being in the router’s database or ask you to input target coordinates instead. ## StreamAttack v0.1 This profile will write some state data to files that can then be read e.g. by OBS for streaming shenanigans. Yes, other tools do that as well, but this one is mine ;) [See the docs](docs/StreamAttack.md). ----- # v1.1 (2020-01-30) The compiled Python scripts are now distributed as two single .exe files. You can (but don’t have to) delete the subfolders in `Python.scriptDir`. ## RatAttack v2.0 * `[current;] rat case details` changed: Now always has to include “rat” in the command to pave the way for SealAttack arriving soon™. **This breaks compatibilty with the old `[current;] case details` command.** features: * added option to auto-close on fuel+: Defaults to off. Enabled in the EliteDangerous profile. * added option to call jumps “left” * added distance commands `distance to current rat case`/`distance to rat case number [0..19]`: Both require a current version of the elite-scripts. * added `call client offline` command ## SealAttack v0.1 VERY early alpha. Basically the only thing that works and is “finished” already is pasting ingame chat into Seals IRC. use `.sb ` for \#Seal-Bob and `.rr ` for \#Repair-Requests. Use at your own risk. ## SpanshAttack v2.2 features: * added plot command “with custom range”: Instead of using the saved jump range for your current ship, you can now plot a route with a custom range; e.g. if you have temporarily changed modules around or have more/less cargo than usual for this trip. fixes: * added info about EDDB to docs: Just a little tidbit about making sure the target system is actually in the DB. ## EliteDangerous v3.1 features: * added jumpTarget stuff: You can now set/clear a jump target. This will start writing the distance to said target to `>jumpTargetFile` for inclusion e.g. in OBS. If SpanshAttack currently has a target system, jump target will default to that. A manually set target will take precedence. * added `distance [from;to] jump target` command * added some quick links: Coriolis, EDSM main page, EDDB (incl. station/system/faction search page). `open coriolis`, `open e d s m`, `open e d d b [station;system;faction;] [search;]`. fixes: * refactored for better variable scoping * changed `EDDI Body scanned` constraint: Now checks for being in SC instead of just in FSS; will now include auto-scans of bodies, while still excluding nav beacon scan data. * logic around getting bodycount more sturdy: Now actually notices when the script errors out for some reason. Probably still won’t notice when it’s flat out missing, but hey, that’s PEBKAC for not using the profile package. * fixed race condition in `EDDI ship fsd`: Weirdly that only started being an issue in VA 1.8. * updated for new controls setup: the HOTAS buttons have changed because my setup has changed. Probably not really relevant for you. ----- # v1.0 (2019-12-04) ### single-file profile package You can now install a single “profile package” for all the packages and related stuff (excluding required plugins)! That should make the entire setup process way less of a hassle. Future releases will just be a single file to import into VoiceAttack. See the README for more info. Note that for this the default Python script path has changed! I recommend that you delete the now obsolote `scripts` folder in your VoiceAttack directory, or wherever you have installed the scripts instead. If you haven’t been using them, just ignore this paragraph. ### new profile format VoiceAttack 1.8 has the compressed profile as default export format. The profiles will now come in this since I would forget to change the export format every time I export them anyway. This shouldn’t lead to any issues but please do open a bug if it does. ## RatAttack v1.0 * fixed first case announcement after starting VoiceAttack * on opening a case, VoiceAttack will now first copy the target system to the clipboard and then announce case details * now only executes the “nearest commander” Python script if the incoming case is actually for a platform you want to have cases announced for * added `call wing pending` command ## SpanshAttack v2.1 * will now set neutron mode and target system _before_ getting ship range. This avoids race conditions with targeting a system, executing the plot command, then changing the targeted system. ## EliteDangerous v3.0 * added `[dis;]engage silent running` command ## elite-scripts 0.1.1 * fixed bug with wonky system names (including e.g. `+` or `[]`) ----- # v0.5 (2019-11-09) ## RatAttack v0.1 RatAttack is now a thing! :D ## SpanshAttack v2.0 * SpanshAttack will now disable EDDI’s speech responder by default. To get it back you will have to manually re-enable it after including `SpanshAttack.startup`. See docs for more info. * Fixed the target announcement when plotting. Will now properly use the plot target instead of the system that you have targeted at the moment of the announcement. * Requirements are now listed in the documentation. * Fixed auto jump on scooping. Now only queues a jump _once_ not once per “refuelled” event (fires every 5s) ## EliteDangerous v2.0.2 * Scanning a body will now tell you if it is in a fast orbit (less than 6h). * Fixed the `sentToX` commands to do a CTRL+A before pasting text. This will prevent garbled things to be send when you have already typed some text into the edit box. * Now automatically toggles FlightAssist off on takeoff/undock. Set `>FlightAssistOff` to false in `EliteDangerous.startup` to disable. * Added `[start;stop] [firing;mining]`. This command will start/stop hold down the primary fire button for you; in case of mining it will also deploy your cargo scoop. * Fixed the discovery scan event to only tell you about differences with EDSM when EDSM knows _fewer_ bodies (there are some issues with duplicate entries in EDSM, e.g. in Dromi) ----- # v0.4.1 (2019-10-14) This is a bug fix release (as the version number indicates). Mainly for changes in EDDI 3.5.0-b1. If you haven’t updated to the beta, DO NOT update to this version yet! There has also been a minor update to `elite-scripts` – this is not relevant yet, so you do not have to download the new archive. ## SpanshAttack v1.3.1 * fixed jump on scooping to no longer conflict with an already charging jump ## EliteDangerous v2.0.1 * fixed lights off command for SRV, will no longer have a loop on race condition * fixed discovery scan event for new EDDI variable naming * fixed srv lauched event to properly turn off the lights ----- # v0.4 (2019-10-12) ## SpanshAttack v1.3 * plotting a route now aborts if no jump range was given * added option to clear an active neutron route on closing the game client (default: on) * added option to auto jump after fuel scooping (default: on) * fixed `SpanshAttack.announceTripTime` saying “1 hours” and “1 minutes” (#13) ## EliteDangerous v2.0 * added documentation! (#11) * fixed `EliteDangerous.jumpToSuperCruise` to no longer drop you from SC when called while in SC * fixed `relog to [open;solo]` command for new menu structure * added `distance [from;to] [home;the center;Beagle Point;Colonia]` command (requires python scripts, see docs) * now compares current system bodies to the bodies found on EDSM and gives feedback if there’s a discrepancy (and you should FSS the entire system to update EDSM) (requires python scripts, see doc) * added compatibility for SpanshAttack’s clear on shutdown ----- # v0.3 (2019-09-22) ## SpanshAttack v1.2 * improved trip time announcements * trip time is now also written to the VoiceAttack log ## EliteDangerous v1.0 Should be usable by other people now without too much hassle. If you run into problems, please hit me up on [Discord](https://discord.gg/mD6dAb) or file an issue here. ----- # v0.2 (2019-08-28) ## SpanshAttack v1.1 * added a command to announce (approximate) jumps left, see docs (#1) * added command to announce the time spent on a trip and configuration option to automatically tell it after completing it (#3) * fixed a race condition with waypoint pasting into the galaxy map (#2) * fixed the list of jumps left to announce automatically not working correctly in all cases (#4) ## EliteDangerous v… don’t even ask Added EliteDangerous profile in its current state. It’s in no way sanitised or advised for general use, but feel free to dig around and draw inspiration from it. Soon™ it will be published in a more usable state, but I wanted to get it out there for reference. ----- # v0.1 (2019-08-06) ## SpanshAttack v1.0 * initial release * expect bugs * please help