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#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Linq;
namespace alterNERDtive.util
public class Configuration
private readonly dynamic VA;
private readonly string ID;
private readonly VoiceAttackLog Log;
private readonly VoiceAttackCommands Commands;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, OptDict<string, Option>> Defaults = new Dictionary<string, OptDict<string, Option>>
new OptDict<string, Option>{
{ new Option<bool>("eddi.quietMode", true, voiceTrigger: "eddi quiet mode", description: "Whether or not to make EDDI shut up.") },
{ new Option<decimal>("keyPressDuration", (decimal)0.01, voiceTrigger: "key press duration", description: "The time keys will be held down for.") },
{ new Option<decimal>("delays.quitToDesktop", (decimal)10.0, voiceTrigger: "quit to desktop delay") },
{ new Option<string>("elite.pasteKey", "v", voiceTrigger: "elite paste key", description: "The key used to paste in conjunction with CTRL. The key that would be 'V' on QWERTY.") },
{ new Option<string>("log.logLevel", "NOTICE", voiceTrigger: "log level", validValues: new List<string>{ "ERROR", "WARN", "NOTICE", "INFO", "DEBUG" },
description: @"The level of detail for logging to the VoiceAttack log.\nValid levels are ""ERROR"", ""WARN"", ""NOTICE"", ""INFO"" and ""DEBUG"".\nDefault: ""NOTICE"".") },
new OptDict<string, Option>{
{ new Option<bool>("announceEdsmSystemStatus", true, voiceTrigger: "announce edsm system status") },
{ new Option<bool>("announceMappingCandidates", true, voiceTrigger: "announce mapping candidates") },
{ new Option<bool>("announceOutdatedStationData", true, voiceTrigger: "announce outdated station data") },
{ new Option<bool>("announceR2RMappingCandidates", true, voiceTrigger: "announce road to riches mapping candidates") },
{ new Option<bool>("autoRestock", true, voiceTrigger: "auto restock") },
//{ new Option<bool>("enableAutoUpdateCheck", true, voiceTrigger: "auto update check") },
{ new Option<bool>("flightAssistOff", false, voiceTrigger: "flight assist off") },
{ new Option<bool>("hyperspaceDethrottle", true, voiceTrigger: "hyper space dethrottle") },
{ new Option<int>("outdatedStationThreshold", 365, voiceTrigger: "outdated station threshold") },
new OptDict<string, Option>{
{ new Option<bool>("autoCloseCase", false, voiceTrigger: "auto close case") },
{ new Option<bool>("announceNearestCMDR", false, voiceTrigger: "announce nearest commander") },
{ new Option<bool>("announcePlatform", false, voiceTrigger: "announce platform") },
{ new Option<string>("CMDRs", "", voiceTrigger: "commanders") },
{ new Option<bool>("confirmCalls", true, voiceTrigger: "confirm calls") },
{ new Option<bool>("onDuty", true, voiceTrigger: "on duty") },
{ new Option<string>("platforms", "PC", voiceTrigger: "platforms") },
new OptDict<string, Option>{
{ new Option<string>("announceJumpsLeft", ";1;3;5;10;15;20;30;50;75;100;", voiceTrigger: "announce jumps left") },
{ new Option<bool>("announceWaypoints", true, voiceTrigger: "announce waypoints") },
{ new Option<bool>("autoJumpAfterScooping", true, voiceTrigger: "auto jump after scooping") },
{ new Option<bool>("autoPlot", true, voiceTrigger: "auto plot") },
{ new Option<bool>("clearOnShutdown", true, voiceTrigger: "clear on shutdown") },
{ new Option<bool>("copyWaypointToClipboard", false, voiceTrigger: "copy waypoint to clipboard") },
{ new Option<bool>("defaultToLadenRange", false, voiceTrigger: "default to laden range") },
{ new Option<bool>("timeTrip", false, voiceTrigger: "time trip") },
new OptDict<string, Option>{
{ new Option<string>("outputDir", @"%appdata%\StreamAttack\", voiceTrigger: "StreamAttack output directory") }
public abstract class Option
#pragma warning disable CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable.
public string Name { get; }
public dynamic DefaultValue { get; }
public List<dynamic>? ValidValues { get; }
public string VoiceTrigger { get; }
public string TtsDescription { get; }
public string Description { get; }
public Type Type { get; }
public string? TypeString { get; }
public override string ToString() => DefaultValue!.ToString();
#pragma warning restore CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable.
public class Option<T> : Option
public new string Name { get; }
public new T DefaultValue { get; }
public new List<T>? ValidValues { get; }
public new string VoiceTrigger { get; }
public new string TtsDescription { get => ttsDescription ?? VoiceTrigger; }
private readonly string? ttsDescription;
public new string Description { get => description ?? "No description available."; }
private readonly string? description;
public new Type Type { get => typeof(T); }
public new string? TypeString
string? type = null;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool))
type = "boolean";
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime))
type = "date";
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(decimal))
type = "decimal";
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
type = "int";
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
type = "smallint";
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
type = "text";
return type;
public Option(string name, T defaultValue, string voiceTrigger, List<T>? validValues = null, string? ttsDescription = null, string? description = null)
=> (Name, DefaultValue, VoiceTrigger, ValidValues, this.ttsDescription, this.description) = (name, defaultValue, voiceTrigger, validValues, ttsDescription, description);
public static implicit operator (string, Option)(Option<T> o) => (o.Name, o);
public static explicit operator T(Option<T> o) => o.DefaultValue;
private class OptDict<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
public OptDict() : base() { }
public OptDict(int capacity) : base(capacity) { }
public void Add((TKey,TValue) tuple)
base.Add(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);
public Configuration(dynamic vaProxy, VoiceAttackLog log, VoiceAttackCommands commands, string id) => (VA, Log, Commands, ID) = (vaProxy, log, commands, id);
public dynamic GetDefault(string name)
return GetDefault(ID, name);
public static dynamic GetDefault(string id, string name)
return Defaults[id][name];
public Option GetOption(string name)
return GetOption(ID, name);
public Option GetOption(string id, string name)
return Defaults[id][name];
public void SetVoiceTriggers(System.Type type)
List<string> triggers = new List<string>();
foreach (Dictionary<string,Option> options in Defaults.Values)
foreach (dynamic option in options.Values)
if (option.DefaultValue.GetType() == type)
if (triggers.Contains(option.VoiceTrigger))
throw new ArgumentException($"Voice trigger '{option.VoiceTrigger}' is not unique, aborting …");
if (triggers.Count > 0)
string triggerString = string.Join(";", triggers);
VA.SetText($"alterNERDtive-base.triggers.{type.Name}", triggerString);
Log.Debug($"Voice triggers for {type.Name}: '{triggerString}'");
// make sure we dont accidentally have weird things happening with empty config voice triggers
string triggerString = $"tenuiadafesslejüsljlejutlesuivle{type.Name}";
VA.SetText($"alterNERDtive-base.triggers.{type.Name}", triggerString);
Log.Debug($"No voice triggers found for {type.Name}");
public void SetVariablesForTrigger(dynamic vaProxy, string trigger)
_ = trigger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("trigger");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,OptDict<string,Option>> options in Defaults)
dynamic option = options.Value.First(item => ((dynamic)item.Value).VoiceTrigger.ToLower() == trigger).Value;
vaProxy.SetText("~name", $"{options.Key}.{option.Name}");
vaProxy.SetText("~ttsDescription", option.TtsDescription);
vaProxy.SetText("~description", option.Description);
catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
public bool HasDefault(string name)
return HasDefault(ID, name);
public static bool HasDefault(string id, string name)
return Defaults[id].ContainsKey(name);
public void LoadFromProfile()
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,OptDict<string,Option>> options in Defaults)
public void LoadFromProfile(string id)
foreach (dynamic option in Defaults[id].Values)
string name = $"{id}.{option.Name}";
string type = option.TypeString ?? throw new InvalidDataException($"Invalid data type for option '{name}': '{option}'");
Log.Debug($"Loading value for option '{name}' from profile …");
Commands.Run("alterNERDtive-base.loadVariableFromProfile", parameters: new dynamic[] { new string[] { $"{name}#", type } });
public dynamic? ApplyDefault(string name)
return ApplyDefault(ID, name);
public dynamic? ApplyDefault(string id, string name)
if (!HasDefault(id, name))
Log.Warn($"No default configuration value found for '{id}.{name}'");
return null;
dynamic option = Defaults[id][name];
dynamic value = option.DefaultValue;
Log.Debug($"Loading default configuration value, '{id}.{name}': '{value}' …");
string variable = $"{id}.{name}#";
if (value is bool)
VA.SetBoolean(variable, value);
else if (value is DateTime)
VA.SetDate(variable, value);
else if (value is decimal)
VA.SetDecimal(variable, value);
else if (value is int)
VA.SetInt(variable, value);
else if (value is short)
VA.SetSmallInt(variable, value);
else if (value is string)
VA.SetText(variable, value);
throw new InvalidDataException($"Invalid data type for option '{id}.{name}': '{value}'");
return value;
public void ApplyDefaults()
public void ApplyAllDefaults()
foreach (string id in Defaults.Keys)
public void ApplyDefaults(string id)
foreach (string key in Defaults[id].Keys)
ApplyDefault(id, key);
public void DumpConfig()
foreach (string id in Defaults.Keys)
public void DumpConfig(string id)
Log.Notice($"===== {id} configuration: =====");
foreach (string name in Defaults[id].Keys)
DumpConfig(id, name);
public void DumpConfig(string id, string name)
dynamic option = Defaults[id][name];
dynamic defaultValue = option.DefaultValue;
string variable = $"{id}.{option.Name}#";
dynamic value;
if (defaultValue is bool)
value = VA.GetBoolean(variable);
else if (defaultValue is DateTime)
value = VA.GetDate(variable);
else if (defaultValue is decimal)
value = VA.GetDecimal(variable);
else if (defaultValue is int)
value = VA.GetInt(variable);
else if (defaultValue is short)
value = VA.GetSmallInt(variable);
else if (defaultValue is string)
value = VA.GetText(variable);
throw new InvalidDataException($"Invalid data type for option '{id}.{name}': '{defaultValue}'");
Log.Notice($"{variable} = {value}{(value == defaultValue? " (default)" : "")}");
public class PythonProxy
public static Process SetupPythonScript(string path, string arguments)
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = path;
p.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
return p;
public enum LogLevel
public class VoiceAttackCommands
private readonly dynamic VA;
private readonly VoiceAttackLog Log;
public VoiceAttackCommands(dynamic vaProxy, VoiceAttackLog log) => (VA, Log) = (vaProxy, log);
public void Run(string command, bool logMissing = true, bool wait = false, bool subcommand = false, Action<Guid?>? callback = null, dynamic[]? parameters = null)
_ = command ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
if (VA.Command.Exists(command))
Log.Debug($"Parsing arguments for command '{command}' …");
string[]? strings = null;
int[]? integers = null;
decimal[]? decimals = null;
bool[]? booleans = null;
DateTime[]? dates = null; // this might not work!
if (parameters != null)
foreach (var values in parameters)
if (values.GetType() == typeof(string[]))
strings = values as string[];
else if (values.GetType() == typeof(int[]))
integers = values as int[];
else if (values.GetType() == typeof(decimal[]))
decimals = values as decimal[];
else if (values.GetType() == typeof(bool[]))
booleans = values as bool[];
else if (values.GetType() == typeof(DateTime[]))
dates = values as DateTime[];
Log.Debug($"Running command '{command}' …");
CommandPhrase: command,
WaitForReturn: wait,
AsSubcommand: subcommand,
CompletedAction: callback,
PassedText: strings == null ? null : $@"""{String.Join<string>(@""";""", strings)}""",
PassedIntegers: integers == null ? null : String.Join<int>(";", integers),
PassedDecimals: decimals == null ? null : String.Join<decimal>(";", decimals),
PassedBooleans: booleans == null ? null : String.Join<bool>(";", booleans),
PassedDates: dates == null ? null : String.Join<DateTime>(";", dates)
if (logMissing)
Log.Warn($"Tried running missing command '{command}'.");
public void RunAll(IEnumerable<string> prefixes, string command, bool logMissing = true, bool wait = false, bool subcommand = false, Action<Guid?>? callback = null, dynamic[]? parameters = null)
foreach (string prefix in prefixes)
Run($"{prefix}.{command}", logMissing, wait, subcommand, callback, parameters);
public void TriggerEvent(string name, bool logMissing = true, bool wait = false, bool subcommand = false, Action<Guid?>? callback = null, dynamic[]? parameters = null)
Run($"(({name}))", logMissing, wait, subcommand, callback, parameters);
public void TriggerEventAll(IEnumerable<string> prefixes, string name, bool logMissing = true, bool wait = false, bool subcommand = false, Action<Guid?>? callback = null, dynamic[]? parameters = null)
foreach (string prefix in prefixes)
Run($"(({prefix}.{name}))", logMissing, wait, subcommand, callback, parameters);
public class VoiceAttackLog
private readonly dynamic VA;
private readonly string ID;
private static readonly string[] LogColour = { "red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "gray" };
public LogLevel? CurrentLogLevel
get => currentLogLevel ?? LogLevel.NOTICE;
currentLogLevel = value;
Notice($"Log level set to {value ?? LogLevel.NOTICE}.");
public void SetCurrentLogLevel(string level)
if (level == null)
CurrentLogLevel = null;
CurrentLogLevel = (LogLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogLevel), level.ToUpper());
private static LogLevel? currentLogLevel;
public VoiceAttackLog(dynamic vaProxy, string id) => (VA, ID) = (vaProxy, id);
public void Log(string message, LogLevel level = LogLevel.INFO)
Log(ID, message, level);
public void Log(string sender, string message, LogLevel level = LogLevel.INFO)
_ = sender ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("sender");
_ = message ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
if (level <= CurrentLogLevel)
VA.WriteToLog($"{level} | {sender}: {message}", LogColour[(int)level]);
public void Error(string message) => Log(message, LogLevel.ERROR);
public void Warn(string message) => Log(message, LogLevel.WARN);
public void Notice(string message) => Log(message, LogLevel.NOTICE);
public void Info(string message) => Log(message, LogLevel.INFO);
public void Debug(string message) => Log(message, LogLevel.DEBUG);
public interface IPipable
public void ParseString(string serialization);
public string ToString();
public class PipeServer<Thing> where Thing : IPipable, new()
private readonly string PipeName;
private readonly SignalHandler Handler;
private readonly VoiceAttackLog Log;
private bool Running = false;
private NamedPipeServerStream? Server;
public PipeServer(VoiceAttackLog log, string name, SignalHandler handler)
=> (Log, PipeName, Handler) = (log, name, handler);
public delegate void SignalHandler(Thing thing);
public PipeServer<Thing> Run()
Log.Debug($"Starting '{PipeName}' pipe …");
if (!Running)
Running = true;
return this;
public PipeServer<Thing> Stop()
Log.Debug($"Stopping '{PipeName}' pipe …");
if (Running)
Running = false;
return this;
private void WaitForConnection()
Server = new NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, PipeDirection.In, NamedPipeServerStream.MaxAllowedServerInstances, PipeTransmissionMode.Message, PipeOptions.Asynchronous);
Server.BeginWaitForConnection(OnConnect, Server);
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error($"Error setting up pipe: {e.Message}");
private void OnConnect(IAsyncResult ar)
NamedPipeServerStream server = (NamedPipeServerStream)ar.AsyncState;
using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(server);
Thing thing = new Thing();
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
Log.Debug($"'{PipeName}' pipe has been closed.");
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error($"Error reading pipe: {e.Message}");