Platform `PS` changed to `Playstation`. In before it changes to `PlayStation` next week.
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226 lines
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#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using alterNERDtive.util;
namespace RatAttack
public class RatAttack
private static Dictionary<int,RatCase> CaseList { get; } = new Dictionary<int, RatCase>();
private static dynamic? VA { get; set; }
private static alterNERDtive.util.PipeServer<Ratsignal> RatsignalPipe
=> ratsignalPipe ??= new alterNERDtive.util.PipeServer<Ratsignal>(Log, "RatAttack",
new alterNERDtive.util.PipeServer<Ratsignal>.SignalHandler(On_Ratsignal));
private static alterNERDtive.util.PipeServer<Ratsignal>? ratsignalPipe;
private static readonly Regex RatsignalRegex = new Regex(
@"^RATSIGNAL - CMDR (?<cmdr>.+) - Reported System: (None|(?<system>.+) \(([0-9,\.]+ LY from .*|not in galaxy database|landmark)\)(?<permit> \x034\(((?<permitName>.*) )?Permit Required\)\x03)?) - Platform: \x03(6|3|12)(?<platform>(PC|Xbox|Playstation))\x03 - O2: (\x034)?(?<oxygen>(NOT )?OK)\x03? - Language: .+ \(Case #(?<number>\d+)\) \((PC|XB|PS)_SIGNAL\)\v*$"
private static VoiceAttackLog Log
=> log ??= new VoiceAttackLog(VA, "RatAttack");
private static VoiceAttackLog? log;
private static VoiceAttackCommands Commands
=> commands ??= new VoiceAttackCommands(VA, Log);
private static VoiceAttackCommands? commands;
private class RatCase
public string Cmdr;
public string? System;
public bool PermitLocked;
public string? PermitName;
public string Platform;
public bool CodeRed;
public int Number;
public RatCase(string cmdr, string? system, bool permitLocked, string? permitName, string platform, bool codeRed, int number)
=> (Cmdr, System, PermitLocked, PermitName, Platform, CodeRed, Number) = (cmdr, system, permitLocked, permitName, platform, codeRed, number);
public string ShortInfo
get => $"#{Number}, {Platform}, {System ?? "None"}{(PermitLocked ? " (permit required)" : "")}{(CodeRed ? ", code red" : "")}";
public override string ToString()
=> ShortInfo;
public class Ratsignal : IPipable
public string Signal { get; set; }
public bool Announce { get; set; }
public Ratsignal()
=> (Signal, Announce) = ("", false);
public Ratsignal(string signal, bool announce)
=> (Signal, Announce) = (signal, announce);
public void ParseString(string serialization)
string[] parts = serialization.Split('|');
Signal = parts[0];
Announce = Boolean.Parse(parts[1]);
catch (Exception e)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid serialized RATSIGNAL: '{serialization}'", e);
public override string ToString()
=> $"{Signal}|{Announce}";
private static int ParseRatsignal(string ratsignal)
if (!RatsignalRegex.IsMatch(ratsignal))
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid RATSIGNAL format: '{ratsignal}'.", "ratsignal");
Match match = RatsignalRegex.Match(ratsignal);
string cmdr = match.Groups["cmdr"].Value;
string? system = match.Groups["system"].Value;
bool permitLocked = match.Groups["permit"].Success;
string? permitName = match.Groups["permitName"].Value;
string platform = match.Groups["platform"].Value;
bool codeRed = match.Groups["oxygen"].Value == "NOT OK";
int number = int.Parse(match.Groups["number"].Value);
Log.Debug($"New rat case: CMDR “{cmdr}” in “{system}” on {platform}, permit locked: {permitLocked}{(permitLocked && permitName != null ? $" (permit name: {permitName})" : "")}, code red: {codeRed} (#{number}).");
CaseList[number] = new RatCase(cmdr, system, permitLocked, permitName, platform, codeRed, number);
return number;
private static void On_Ratsignal(Ratsignal ratsignal)
int number = ParseRatsignal(ratsignal.Signal);
Log.Notice($"New rat case: {CaseList[number]}.");
Commands.TriggerEvent("RatAttack.incomingCase", parameters: new dynamic[] { new int[] { number }, new bool[] { ratsignal.Announce } });
catch (ArgumentException e)
Commands.TriggerEvent("RatAttack.invalidRatsignal", parameters: new dynamic[] { new string[] { ratsignal.Signal } });
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error($"Unhandled exception while parsing RATSIGNAL: '{e.Message}'.");
private static void On_ProfileChanged(Guid? from, Guid? to, string fromName, string toName)
=> VA_Exit1(VA);
| plugin contexts |
private static void Context_GetCaseData(dynamic vaProxy)
int cn = vaProxy.GetInt("~caseNumber");
RatCase rc = CaseList[cn];
vaProxy.SetInt("~~caseNumber", rc?.Number);
vaProxy.SetText("~~cmdr", rc?.Cmdr);
vaProxy.SetText("~~system", rc?.System?.ToLower());
vaProxy.SetBoolean("~~permitLocked", rc?.PermitLocked);
vaProxy.SetText("~~permitName", rc?.PermitName);
vaProxy.SetText("~~platform", rc?.Platform);
vaProxy.SetBoolean("~~codeRed", rc?.CodeRed);
private static void Context_Startup(dynamic vaProxy)
Log.Notice("Starting up …");
VA = vaProxy;
_ = RatsignalPipe.Run();
Log.Notice("Finished startup.");
private static void Context_ParseRatsignal(dynamic vaProxy)
Log.Warn("Passing a RATSIGNAL from VoiceAttack (through the clipboard or a file) is DEPRECATED and will no longer be supported in the future.");
On_Ratsignal(new Ratsignal(vaProxy.GetText("~ratsignal"), vaProxy.GetBoolean("~announceRatsignal")));
| required VoiceAttack plugin shenanigans |
static readonly string VERSION = "6.0.0";
public static Guid VA_Id()
=> new Guid("{F2ADF0AE-4837-4E4A-9C87-8A7E2FA63E5F}");
public static string VA_DisplayName()
=> $"RatAttack {VERSION}";
public static string VA_DisplayInfo()
=> "RatAttack: a plugin to handle FuelRats cases.";
public static void VA_Init1(dynamic vaProxy)
VA = vaProxy;
Log.Notice("Initializing …");
vaProxy.ProfileChanged += new Action<Guid?, Guid?, String, String>(On_ProfileChanged);
Log.Notice("Init successful.");
public static void VA_Invoke1(dynamic vaProxy)
string context = vaProxy.Context.ToLower();
Log.Debug($"Running context '{context}' …");
switch (context)
// plugin methods
case "getcasedata":
case "parseratsignal":
case "startup":
// plugin settings
// NYI
// invalid
Log.Error($"Invalid plugin context '{vaProxy.Context}'.");
catch (ArgumentNullException e)
Log.Error($"Missing parameter '~{e.ParamName}' for context '{context}'");
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error($"Unhandled exception while executing plugin context '{context}'. ({e.Message})");
public static void VA_Exit1(dynamic vaProxy)
Log.Debug("Starting teardown …");
Log.Debug("Closing RATSIGNAL pipe …");
Log.Debug("Teardown finished.");
public static void VA_StopCommand() { }