# A collection of useful scripts around Elite Dangerous # ## edsm-getnearest.py ## ``` usage: edsm-getnearest.py [-h] --system SYSTEM [--short] [--gui | --text] CMDR [CMDR ...] Locate your CMDRs using EDSM and find their distance to a given system. positional arguments: CMDR a list of CMDR names (must have their location public on EDSM!) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --system SYSTEM the target system (must be in EDDN!) --short short output (only makes sense with `--text`) --gui explicitly run the GUI --text explicitly give text output ``` ## explorationtools.py ## ``` usage: explorationtools.py [-h] {bodycount} ... A collection of tools useful for exploration. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit subcommands: {bodycount} sub-command help bodycount Returns the number of bodies in a system. Will exit with code 1 on server error and code 2 if the system could not be found in EDSM. ``` ``` usage: explorationtools.py bodycount [-h] system positional arguments: system the system in question optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ```