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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argcomplete, argparse
import math
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from pyEDSM.edsm.exception import ServerError, NotFoundError
from pyEDSM.edsm.models import System, Commander
# ===========================================================================
def getBodyCount(system):
return System(system).bodyCount
def distanceBetween(system1, system2, roundTo=2):
systems = System.getSystems(system1, system2)
distance = systems[0].distanceTo(systems[1], roundTo)
if roundTo == 0:
distance = int(distance)
return distance
def getCommanderPosition(name, apikey):
coords = Commander(name, apikey).currentPosition
ret = "hidden"
if coords:
ret = ""
for k in coords:
ret += "{}: {}, ".format(k, coords[k])
ret = ret[:-2]
return ret
def getCommanderProfileUrl(name, apikey):
return Commander(name, apikey).profileUrl
def getCommanderSystem(name, apikey):
cmdr = Commander(name, apikey)
if cmdr.lastActivity is None:
return "{}".format(cmdr.currentSystem)
return "{} (last seen {})".format(cmdr.currentSystem,
def when(date):
diff = datetime.now() - date
ret = ""
if diff.days > 0:
ret += "{} days ".format(diff.days)
if diff.seconds > 0:
hours = int(diff.seconds / 3600)
if hours > 0:
ret += "{} hours ".format(hours)
minutes = int(diff.seconds % 3600 / 60)
if minutes > 0:
ret += "{} minutes ".format(minutes)
if diff.days == 0 and hours == 0 and minutes == 0:
# ONLY seconds!
ret = "{} seconds ".format(diff.seconds)
ret += "ago"
return ret
def getSystemList(name):
systems = System.getSystems(name)
ret = ""
for system in systems:
ret += "{}\n".format(system.name)
return ret[:-1]
def getSystemNear(name):
# Probably want to abort at _some_ point. Im defining two full words left as
# the condition for that now.
if name.count(' ') < 2:
ret = "Aborting search at {}, require more than 2 words to limit the "
ret += "result set."
return ret.format(name)
systems = System.getSystems(name)
except NotFoundError:
return getSystemNear(name[:-1])
ret = ""
for system in systems:
ret += "{} ({}, {}, {})\n".format(system.name,
system.coords['x'], system.coords['y'], system.coords['z'])
return ret[:-1]
# ===========================================================================
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A collection of tools useful for "
+ "exploration.")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", help="sub-command help",
dest="subcommand", required=True)
parser_bodycount = subparsers.add_parser("bodycount",
help="Returns the number of bodies in a system. Will exit with code 1 on "
+ "server error and code 2 if the system could not be found in EDSM.")
parser_bodycount.add_argument("system", nargs=1, help="system to query")
parser_distance = subparsers.add_parser("distancebetween",
help="Calculates the distance between two systems. Will exit with code 1 "
+ "on server error and code 2 if (one of) the systems could not be found "
+ "on EDSM.")
parser_distance.add_argument("--roundto", nargs="?", type=int, default=2,
help="the number of digits to round to (default: 2)")
parser_distance.add_argument("system", nargs=2, help="the systems to measure")
parser_findCmdr = subparsers.add_parser("findcommander",
help="Attempts to find a CMDRs last known position. Will exit with code 1 "
+ "on server error and code 2 if the CMDR could not be found on EDSM. Will "
+ "also give you the time of last activity if you search for their system.")
group = parser_findCmdr.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
group.add_argument('--system', action='store_true',
help='output the commanders last known system (default)')
group.add_argument('--coords', action='store_true',
help='output the commanders last known position in {x,y,z} coordinates')
group.add_argument('--url', action='store_true',
help='output the commanders profile URL')
parser_findCmdr.add_argument("name", help="the commander in question")
parser_findCmdr.add_argument("apikey", default="", nargs="?",
help="the commanders EDSM API key. Can be empty for public profiles.")
parser_findSystem = subparsers.add_parser("findsystem",
help="Attempts to find a partially matching system that should then "
+ "hopefully be in the vicinity of the given system")
parser_findSystem.add_argument("system", help="the system in question")
parser_bodycount = subparsers.add_parser("systemlist",
help="Pulls all system names starting with the given string from EDSM")
parser_bodycount.add_argument("partialsystem", nargs=1,
help="the partial system name to query against")
args = parser.parse_args()
# ===========================================================================
if args.subcommand == "bodycount":
out = getBodyCount(args.system[0])
elif args.subcommand == "distancebetween":
out = distanceBetween(args.system[0], args.system[1], args.roundto)
elif args.subcommand == "findcommander":
if args.coords:
out = getCommanderPosition(args.name, args.apikey)
elif args.url:
out = getCommanderProfileUrl(args.name, args.apikey)
out = getCommanderSystem(args.name, args.apikey)
elif args.subcommand == "findsystem":
out = getSystemNear(args.system)
elif args.subcommand == "systemlist":
out = getSystemList(args.partialsystem)
except ServerError as e:
except NotFoundError as e: