# pyEDSM – a Python Wrapper for EDSM’s API # The current state might very well be the final one, depending on what I might need in the future for command-line usage. This was born as supplemental scripts for my [VoiceAttack profiles](https://alternerdtive.github.io/VoiceAttack-profiles) and as I’ve had to make some plugins for that in the meantime anyway I will move all this to .Net for use in those. tl;dr: if you want more features here, your best bet is to fork or open a pull request. ## Implementation Progress ## - [x] Status - [ ] Commander - [ ] Logs - [ ] get-logs - [x] get-position - [ ] set-comment - [ ] get-comment - [ ] get-comments - [ ] System - [x] bodies - [ ] estimated-value - [ ] stations - [ ] market - [ ] shipyard - [ ] outfitting - [ ] factions - [x] traffic - [ ] deaths - [ ] Systems - [x] system - [x] systems - [ ] sphere-systems - [ ] cube-systems - [ ] Journal ~~Current goal is to implement most parts of the System and Systems API as well as some of the Commander and Logs API. Everything else is _not planned_ at the moment.~~ See above! Throw money at me and I’ll do what you want :) Whatever is currently implemented is likely to change on a whim until there’s a first release. You have been warned. ## Things You Probably Want to Use ## Have a look at [`edsm/models.py`](edsm/models.py) or [my `elite-scripts` repo](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/elite-scripts) that I made this for. Basically you create a new `System`/`Commander` object (usually by name) and start using properties; that will query EDSM in the background. Oh, the tests in `edsm/test_*.py` might be interesting, too. ## Things You Probably Don’t Want to Use ## You can also find the raw API stuff in `edsm/*Api.py`. You probably don’t want to use that directly, but hey, all the power to you. ## Need Help / Want to Contribute? ## If you run into any problems, please look at the [develop](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/pyEDSM/tree/develop) branch and see if it’s fixed there already. If you have no idea what I was saying in that last paragraph and / or the things mentioned there don’t fix your problem, please [file an issue](https://github.com/alterNERDtive/pyEDSM/issues). Thanks! :) You can also [say “Hi” on Discord](https://discord.gg/7wKEDDr) if that is your thing.