# How to Setup Pick Up Notifier Update 8 added the Pick Up Notifier mod (). The default configuration will **only** show certain vault mod items **while in a vault**. **Making It Work With Backpacks** **_This has been fixed in update 9!_** You will need to change the mod’s server configuration file to support showing items being picked up right into a Backpack using a Pickup Upgrade. You can find the file in `saves//serverconfig/pickupnotifier/pickupnotifier-server.toml` (playing in singleplayer) or `/serverconfig/pickupnotifier/pickupnotifier-server.toml` (hosting a server). Change “backpack_compatibility” to `true` or replace it with the attached file. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889845714207801344/1084536594335277119/pickupnotifier-server.toml Stop the server / log out of your world before you change it. I also recommend copying it to `defaultconfigs/pickupnotifier/pickupnotifier-server.toml` so it automatically applies to newly generated worlds. Do note that the information on the Curseforge page regarding config file location is, ironically, _outdated_. **Adding/Removing Items** Pick Up Notifier displays items based on client side config files. You can have a global one and one for each dimension (e.g. Overworld, Nether, End). Vault Dimensions are generated on the fly, so you will have to make a global configuration for your vault settings, and then dimension-specific ones if you want separate settings for outside of vaults. You can find the settings in `config/pickupnotifier/*.json`. I recommend naming them after the dimension they apply to; the mod ships with files for global (`all.json`) as well as Overworld, Nether and End (named accordingly). The shipped files will be **overwritten** on **each pack update**. So either you figure something out how to restore them every time, or you need to make your changes in additional files. Priority is alphabetical, descending; if your files are first in the list, they will apply. So basically, create some `0000_.json`s. As to how the dimension configurations work, see . You can edit them “live” while the game is running and do `/pickupnotifier reload` to apply any changes. **Visual Setup (Position, Size, …)** *If you have subtitles turned on, the default positioning of the item display will be __behind__ the subtitles.* Client side configuration is found in `config/pickupnotifier/pickupnotifier-client.toml`. The file is commented fairly heavily, that should give you the pointers you need. You can also use the Create config menu (goggles in the ESC menu) or Configured () to access these settings from the game.