comments + style for ExamplePlugin

This commit is contained in:
alterNERDtive 2022-07-08 18:46:34 +02:00
parent 36c7048f37
commit 64d4b26d42
2 changed files with 150 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -23,56 +23,196 @@ using VoiceAttack;
namespace alterNERDtive.Yavapf.Example
/// <summary>
/// This is an example for a VoiceAttack plugin using YAVAPF.
/// You can use this class and this project as base for your own implementation.
/// </summary>
public class ExamplePlugin
private static readonly VoiceAttackPlugin Plugin;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes static members of the <see cref="ExamplePlugin"/> class.
/// Since VoiceAttacks plugin API requires a bunch of static methods
/// instead of instantiating a plugin class, the “Constructor” here also
/// needs to be static. It is executed right before a static method is
/// used for the first time, which would usually be when VoiceAttack
/// calls the <see cref="VA_Init1(dynamic)"/> method.
/// </summary>
static ExamplePlugin()
// You can generate a GUID in Visual Studio under “Tools” → “Create
// GUID”. Choose “Registry Format”.
Plugin = new (
name: "Example Plugin",
version: "0.0.1",
info: "This is a description",
guid: "{76FE674F-F729-45FD-A1DD-E53E9E66B360}");
// Add handlers for the Init, Exit and Stop events here. The plugin
// will execute them whenever VA_Init1, VA_Exit1 or VA_StopCommand
// are run by VoiceAttack.
// You can add none or as many as you need.
Plugin.Init += Init;
Plugin.Exit += Exit;
Plugin.Stop += Stop;
// Add handlers for plugin contexts. The methods added here must
// have at least one “Context” attribute specifying the contexts
// they are to be executed for.
// See the definition of the “Test” method below.
Plugin.Contexts += Test;
Plugin.Contexts += EmptyContext;
Plugin.Contexts += RegexContext;
/// <summary>
/// The plugins display name, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin
/// API.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The display name.</returns>
public static string VA_DisplayName() => Plugin.VA_DisplayName();
/// <summary>
/// The plugins description, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin API.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The description.</returns>
public static string VA_DisplayInfo() => Plugin.VA_DisplayInfo();
/// <summary>
/// The plugins GUID, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin API.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The GUID.</returns>
public static Guid VA_Id() => Plugin.VA_Id();
/// <summary>
/// The Init method, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin API.
/// Runs when the plugin is initially loaded.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
public static void VA_Init1(dynamic vaProxy) => Plugin.VA_Init1(vaProxy);
/// <summary>
/// The Invoke method, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin API.
/// Runs whenever a plugin context is invoked.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
public static void VA_Invoke1(dynamic vaProxy) => Plugin.VA_Invoke1(vaProxy);
/// <summary>
/// The Exit method, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin API.
/// Runs when VoiceAttack is shut down.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
public static void VA_Exit1(dynamic vaProxy) => Plugin.VA_Exit1(vaProxy);
/// <summary>
/// The StopCommand method, as required by the VoiceAttack plugin API.
/// Runs whenever all commands are stopped using the “Stop All Commands”
/// button or action.
/// Since it is required to be static, it must be defined in your plugin
/// class for VoiceAttack to pick it up as a plugin.
/// </summary>
public static void VA_StopCommand() => Plugin.VA_StopCommand();
/// <summary>
/// An example handler for VA_Init1. Init handlers are the place to do
/// anything that your plugin needs to set up when it is initially
/// loaded at VoiceAttack start.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The current VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
private static void Init(VoiceAttackInitProxyClass vaProxy)
Plugin.Log.Notice("This is the example Init handler method.");
/// <summary>
/// An example handler for VA_Exit1. Exit handlers have to make sure
/// your plugin is properly shut down with VoiceAttack. Do note that
/// there is a default timeout of 5s.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The current VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
private static void Exit(VoiceAttackProxyClass vaProxy)
Plugin.Log.Notice("This is the example Exit handler method.");
/// <summary>
/// An example handler for VA_StopCommand. If your plugin needs to
/// execute anything when all commands are stopped this is the place.
/// </summary>
private static void Stop()
Plugin.Log.Notice("This is the example Stop handler method.");
/// <summary>
/// An example handler for plugin contexts. The context(s) must be
/// specified with “Context” attributes. Contexts must be all lower case.
/// This example handles the “test” and “different test” plugin
/// contexts. They expect that a text parameter “~test” is set in
/// VoiceAttack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The current VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
[Context("other name")]
[Context("different test")]
private static void Test(VoiceAttackInvokeProxyClass vaProxy)
Plugin.Log.Notice($"Plugin context '{vaProxy.Context}' invoked.");
$"This is the example handler for the plugin contexts “test” and “different test”. It has been invoked with '{vaProxy.Context}'.");
_ = Plugin.Get<string?>("~test") ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("~test");
/// <summary>
/// An example handler for plugin contexts. The context(s) must be
/// specified with “Context” attributes. Contexts must be all lower case.
/// This example demonstrates using regular expressions. It handles all
/// contexts that begin with “foo” or contain.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The current VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
private static void RegexContext(VoiceAttackInvokeProxyClass vaProxy)
$"This is the example handler for the plugin contexts “^foo.*” and “^.*bar.*”. It has been invoked with '{vaProxy.Context}'.");
/// <summary>
/// An example handler for plugin contexts. The context(s) must be
/// specified with “Context” attributes. Contexts must be all lower case.
/// This example displays a custom error message when the plugin is
/// invoked with no context (= empty context).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vaProxy">The current VoiceAttack proxy object.</param>
private static void EmptyContext(VoiceAttackInvokeProxyClass vaProxy)
Plugin.Log.Error($"Invoking this plugin without a context is not allowed.");

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// This file is used by Code Analysis to maintain SuppressMessage
// attributes that are applied to this project.
// Project-level suppressions either have no target or are given
// a specific target and scoped to a namespace, type, member, etc.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.NamingRules", "SA1300:Element should begin with upper-case letter", Justification = "Its my name, you prick :)", Scope = "namespace", Target = "~N:alterNERDtive.Yavapf.Example")]