Deciding whether or not a tool is already up by a window existing fails if the tool is started, but hasn’t created a window yet. This is not an issue if watching for the _process_ to pop up. Ideally this would also close processes instead of windows when the watched game goes down, but killing a process from AHK sadly is ungraceful, unlike closing a window.
187 lines
5 KiB
Executable file
187 lines
5 KiB
Executable file
; This script will raise / focus a target application when you move
; your Joystick/Throttle/Gamepad/whatever axes or hit a button.
; I’m using it with twin sticks for Elite Dangerous, but it should be
; generically usable.
; It will also start a list of tools if the target application is
; detected and (optional, default on) close them again when the
; target is gone.
; Make sure your focus.ini file is setup properly. If not you might
; have to go kill the script from the systray or Task Manager :)
sendMode Input
setWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance force
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
; check for config file and exit if it doesn’t exist
if (!FileExist("focus.ini")) {
msgbox, No config file found. Please follow the instructions in the README file.
ExitApp, 1
; read focus.ini
config := readConfig("focus.ini")
state := {}
; set the target watcher
SetTimer, watchTarget, % config["polling"]["targetcheckrate"]
; reads the config file
readConfig(file) {
config := []
; [target]
IniRead, tname, % file, target, name
config["target","name"] := tname
; [polling]
IniRead, prate, % file, polling, pollingrate
IniRead, tcrate, % file, polling, targetcheckrate
config["polling"] := {"pollingrate": prate, "targetcheckrate": tcrate}
; [devices]
IniRead, thold, % file, devices, threshold
names := []
error := False
while (!error) {
IniRead, tmp, % file, devices, device%A_Index%
if (tmp == "ERROR")
error := True
devcount := names.MaxIndex()
senses := []
useAxes := []
useButtons := []
loop, %devcount%
IniRead, tmp, % file, devices, device%A_Index%sensitivity
if (tmp == "ERROR")
tmp := 1
IniRead, tmp, % file, devices, device%A_Index%useAxes
if (tmp == "ERROR")
tmp := True
tmp := %tmp%
IniRead, tmp, % file, devices, device%A_Index%useButtons
if (tmp == "ERROR")
tmp := True
tmp := %tmp%
config["devices"] := {"threshold": thold, "names": names, "sensitivities": senses, "useAxes": useAxes, "useButtons": useButtons}
; [tools]
IniRead, tkill, % file, tools, kill
paths := []
error := False
while (!error) {
IniRead, tmp, % file, tools, tool%A_Index%
if (tmp == "ERROR")
error := True
config["tools"] := {"kill": %tkill%, "paths": paths}
return config
; nothing but jump labels beyond this point, let’s make it explicit
; (AHK v2 will finally get rid of those …)
; this one will check for a running target process
; if found
; 1. start the actual stick watching routine at a higher polling frequency
; 2. start ALL THE TOOLS
; if not found
; 1. stop the stick watching routine
; 2. (optional) stop ALL THE TOOLS
watchTarget() {
global config
if (WinExist("ahk_exe " config["target"]["name"])) {
; start stick watcher
SetTimer, watchSticks, % config["polling"]["pollingrate"]
; start tools
for ip, path in config["tools"]["paths"] {
SplitPath, path, file
Process, Exist, %file%
if (!ErrorLevel) {
Run, % path
else {
; stop stick watcher
SetTimer, watchSticks, Delete
; stop tools
if (config["tools"]["kill"]) {
for ip, path in config["tools"]["paths"] {
SplitPath, path, file
if (WinExist("ahk_exe " file)) {
; this one will check the sticks for input on the X/Y axes or buttons
; if an axis is currently active or a button down, focuses the target program
watchSticks() {
global config, state
target := "ahk_exe " config["target"]["name"]
; poll all axes
for id, dev in config["devices"]["names"] {
; check if axes are enabled for this device
if (config["devices"]["useAxes"][id]) {
for ia, axis in [ "X", "Y", "Z", "R", "U", "V" ] {
if (abs(getKeyState(dev axis) - state[id][axis])
* config["devices"]["sensitivities"][id]
> config["devices"]["threshold"]) {
; focus the target!
WinActivate, % target
state[id, axis] := getKeyState(dev axis)
for id, dev in config["devices"]["names"] {
; check if buttons are enabled for this device
if (config["devices"]["useButtons"][id]) {
; get button count for the device and loop over all of them
buttons := getKeystate(dev "Buttons")
Loop, %buttons%
if (getKeyState(dev A_Index)) {
; focus the target!
WinActivate, % target