Auto mark issues as done #150

alterNERDtive wants to merge 1 commit from feature/auto-mark-issues-done into devel
alterNERDtive commented 2022-07-13 21:25:28 +02:00 (Migrated from

… whenever they are fixed by a merged PR.

… whenever they are fixed by a merged PR.
This pull request can be merged automatically.
This branch is out-of-date with the base branch
You are not authorized to merge this pull request.
View command line instructions


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin feature/auto-mark-issues-done:feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git checkout feature/auto-mark-issues-done


Merge the changes and update on Forgejo.
git checkout devel
git merge --no-ff feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git checkout devel
git merge --ff-only feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git checkout feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git rebase devel
git checkout devel
git merge --no-ff feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git checkout devel
git merge --squash feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git checkout devel
git merge --ff-only feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git checkout devel
git merge feature/auto-mark-issues-done
git push origin devel
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