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This is my personal VoiceAttack profile for Elite: Dangerous. It started out ages ago as a modification of MalicVRs public profile, then looked less and less and less like that and I added and cleaned up a lot of things while removing the stuff I didnt use anyway. By now it would have probably been simpler to start from scratch.

Funnily enough it has grown to rely way more on events provided by EDDI than actual voice commands.

Chat Commands

These commands will only work with the comms panel active, and you should be in the edit window ready to send. They will not hit Enter on their own.

  • clear [chat;text]: Clears the chat window. Use from outside the comms panel.
  • [local;squad;system;wing] chat: Puts you into the chosen chat channel.
  • salute; oh seven: Will put “o7” into the chat.


  • how many [<g5 manufactured materials list>] do i have: Tells you how many of the given g5 manufactured material you currently have on board. Ive restricted it to just those to not spam speech recognition with too many phrases, and because those are the ones I usually want to know while jumping around the bubble and having an eye on any HGE that might be around.
  • [launch;open] e d engineer: Opens the ED Engineer tool.
  • what [mats;materials] do i need?: Runs the EDDI responder that tells you which materials are below wanted threshold. Needs setting those first. Gets very spammy if you do it for all of them; personally I only set them for g5 manufactured, so I can quickly check if its worth looking for HGE in a system Im in.


There are so many navigation-focused commands now, they deserve their own category. Basically anything that helps you plot anywhere. A lot of those are powered by awesome EDDI so I dont have to do the work myself!

  • distance [from;to] [Sol;home;the center;Beagle Point;Colonia]: Gives you the current distance to the given POI.
  • [find;target] nearest [encoded;manufactured;raw] material trader: Targets the nearest respective material trader.
  • [find;target] nearest [fuel;scoopable] star: Targets the nearest scoopable star.
  • [find;target] nearest [guardian;human] tech broker: Targets the nearest respective tech broker.
  • [find;target] nearest [interstellar factor;mission system;scoopable star]: Well, you know the drill by now.
  • [find;target] nearest mission system: Targets the nearest system that has a mission target.
  • how many jumps left: Announces the jumps left on a neutron trip (requires SpanshAttack) or a course plotted via the galaxy map.
  • plot course;[target;] next [waypoint;way point]: Plots a course to the text in your clipboard.
  • target [bug killer;colonia;davs hope;explorers anchorage;jackson's lighthouse;jamesons cobra;robigo;shinrarta dezhra;sagittarius a*;shinrarta;sothis]: Targets the given system on the galaxy map.
  • [wheres;where is] my landing pad: Will tell you the location of your assigned landing pad on a starport.

Ship Controls

Basically anything that is related to directly doing something with your ship.

  • [abort;cancel;stop] jumping: Stops a currently charging FSD jump.
  • [half;] power to [engines;shields;systems;weapons]: Sets pips to 6/3/3 (half) or 8/2/2 towards the given capacitor.
  • [balanced;half;] power to [engines;shields;systems;weapons] [and engines;and shields;and systems;and weapons;]: Sets pips to 6/6/0 (balanced), 5/5/2 (half) or 8/4/0 towards the given capacitors.
  • [close;deploy;extend;open;retract;] [cargo scoop;hard points; landing gear] [up;down;]: Overly complicated command to handle everything related to Cargo Scoop, Hard Points, Landing Gear. You get the gist, I guess. Works in SRV too.
  • [disco;discovery scan]: Executes a discovery scan. Expects the Discovery Scanner in your first fire group, secondary fire. You can change that.
  • [dis;]engage silent running: Turns silent running on and off.
  • [head;spot;] lights [on;off]: Turns your lights on and off. Works in SRV too, kinda; turning lights off there relies on the state updating fast enough, which sometimes leads to weird results.
  • [jump;engage;get me out] [and scan;] [when ready;]: Retracts everything that might be protruding from your ship, then jumps to the next system. If the FSD isnt charging within 1s, it gets you into SC instead (e.g. if your target is obstructed). If given “and scan” runs a discovery scan. If given “when ready” waits for mass lock to clear, your FSD to cool down and you to leave scoop range before jumping.
  • night vision [on;off]: Toggles your night vision on/off. Works in SRV too.
  • rapid fire lights: Flashes your lights 5 times in a row.
  • retract [all;everything]: Retracts, well, everything.
  • [start;stop] [firing;mining]: Starts/stops holding down primary fire. Mostly useful when mining. When triggered with “mining”, also deploys the cargo scoop.
  • [super;] cruise [when ready;]: Retracts everything, then jumps to SC. If given “when ready” will wait for mass lock to clear and your FSD to cool down first.

SRV Controls

Things relevant to your SRV, but not your ship.

  • [recall;dismiss] ship: Recalls or dismisses ship. Currently does the same thing regardless of the state of your ship. I wish it would be possible to restrict it to doing one thing each, but thats currently not possible sadly.
  • [toggle;enable;disable] drive assist: Handles all your drive assist needs!


Well … targeting stuff, I guess. Not really sure why I made that its own category, but oh well :)

  • target the [drive;drives;power plant;frame shift drive;f s d;shield generator]: Targets the given submodule on your current target, or your next target if you dont have one currently. Does not persist between targets.
  • clear sub [module;system] target: Clears the current submodule target.
  • target next system: Selects the next system on your route.
  • target wing man [1;2;3]: Targets your wingmen.
  • targets target: Targets your targets target (only works on wingmen).
  • wing man [1;2;3] target: Targets your wingmens target.
  • wing man nav lock: Toggles wing man nav lock on the selected wing member.

UI Commands

Everything handling stuff thats not related to controlling your ship, but manipulating some UI element(s).

  • [enter;leave] F S S: Opens/closes FSS.
  • [main;game] menu: Opens the ESC menu.
  • [relog;reset] to [open;solo]: Relogs to Open or Solo mode, respectively.
  • controls options: Opens the controls options menu.
  • docking request;request dock[ing;]: Sends a docking request.
  • galaxy map: Opens the galaxy map.
  • restart from Desktop: Quits the game and restarts from an open launcher by clicking the play button.
  • set [default;star;station;settlement;signal sources;anomaly;unknown;system] filter: Sets a nav panel filter setting. See the command or just try different things for what is possible. You need to clear filters and hover over the filter button, then run this.
  • system map: Opens the system map.
  • take [high res;] screenshot: Takes a (high res) screenshot.
  • toggle orbit lines: Toggles the visibility of orbit lines.


The commands in here do random more or less useful things.

  • [are there any;] outdated stations [in this system;]: Runs an on-demand check for outdated stations in the current system.
  • [bodies;whats;what is] left to [map;be mapped;scan]: Tells you which bodies EDDI thinks are worth mapping in the system that you havent mapped yet.
  • copy current system: Copies the current system name into the clipboard.
  • open [current;] system on EDSM: Opens your current system on EDSM in your default browser.
  • open copied system on EDSM: Opens the system in your clipboard on EDSM in your default browser.
  • open coriolis: Opens Coriolis in your default browser.
  • open e d d b [station;system;faction;] [search;]: Opens EDDB in your default browser.
  • open e d s m: Opens EDSM in your default browser.
  • open inara: Opens Inara in your default browser.
  • open materials finder: Opens EDTutorials materials finder in your default browser.
  • open miners tool: Opens https://edtools.cc/miner in your default browser.
  • open spansh: Opens https://spansh.uk in your default browser.


This is a list of ingame Events, provided by EDDI, that the profile will act on.

AFMU Repairs

Reports on the module that has been repaired, and if it has been fully or partially repaired.

Body Mapped

Announces an estimate for high-value bodies payouts and the remaining mapping candidates in the system as given by EDDI.

Body scanned

Announces any interesting body traits found when scanning:

  • terraformable
  • Earth-like World, Ammonia World or Water World
  • landable and >5g
  • semimajor axis <1.5ls (only really interesting for planets, but theres no proper way to separate them from moons, sadly)
  • radius <300km

Feel free to suggest more!

Carrier Cooldown

Tells you when your carrier is able to do its next jump.

Carrier Jump Engaged

This event fires when your carrier jumps but you are not docked at it. It provides way less information than the Carrier Jumped event, but hey, I dont use most of it anyway. Basically just calls Carrier Jumped.

Carrier Jump Request

Announces the system and body your carrier has just been scheduled to jump to. Use this to double check ingame information; Ive had my carrier accept a body as jump target, but then end up around the star. This might give you a heads up on that.

Also starts a command queue to give you advance warnings on carrier lockdown at -10, -5 and -2 minutes.

Carrier Jumped

Announces system and body your carrier has just jumped to.

Carrier Pads Locked

Announces your carriers lockdown procedures.

Discovery Scan

Announces the number of bodies (and non-body signals) found in the system. Also compares the number of bodies to the amount reported by EDSM (requires Python scripts).


Automatically refuels, repairs, rearms, then gets your ship into the hangar and opens station services. Can be individually disabled.

Docking Denied

Tells you the reason for docking denial.

Entered Normal Space

Throttles to 0 upon dropping from SC, if the hyperspace dethrottle option is enabled.

Fighter Launched

Orders your ship to hold position so it doesnt chase after you immediately.

Jet Cone Boost

Sets your ship to full throttle immediately after you have supercharged.


  • Zeroes throttle if the hyperspace dethrottle option is enabled.
  • Gets the systems body count from EDSM if that option is enabled.
  • Gets stations with outdated data (by default: older than 1 year) from Spanshs API. Again, if it is enabled.
  • Starts a discovery scan if that is enabled.
  • Last but not least tells you about planets worth scanning if you are on the R2R.


Retracts landing gear for you. Seriously, is there any occasion in which you dont immediately want to retract it after takeoff?

Low Fuel

Warns you when you reach 25% fuel. Also reports number of jumps you have left or the (rough) range you still have on the fumes left in your tank.

Material Threshold

Warns you when a monitored material falls below its minimum stock level and tells you when you reach your desired level or fill up.

You will have to set minimum and desired amounts in EDDIs material monitor options first for all materials you wish to be monitored.

Next Jump

Gives you a jump count upon plotting a route using the galaxy map.

Ship FSD

This event actually is several different events in one. Currently the following are handled:

  • Charging: Warns you if you are jumping with less than 25% fuel.
  • Cooldown complete: Announces FSD cooldown if you are currently in normal space.

Ship Interdicted

Tells you when you have been interdicted by a player. Is also supposed to target the interdictor automatically, but randomly sometimes just doesnt work. Yay!

SRV Launched

Toggles SRV lights off after launching. Might not work if you drop particularly far after deployment because it works off a timer. Conversely might take a second to turn your lights off on a short drop and/or in high gravity.


Reports on the synthesis type and quality.

System Scan Complete

Lists all bodies EDDI considers worth mapping in the current system.


Retracts landing gear for you. Seriously, is there any occasion in which you dont immediately want to retract it after takeoff?