
4.5 KiB
Raw Blame History


This profile uses the EDDI plugin to write a bunch of information about your commander, your current location and your ship to files that can be accessed e.g. by your streaming software to be displayed on stream.

Default folder is %appdata%\StreamAttack\.


In addition to VoiceAttack, you will need the following plugins to use this profile:

  • EDDI installed as a VoiceAttack plugin

EDDI speech responder

For the convenience of people that have not been using EDDI in the past, StreamAttack will deactivate the speech responder automatically to not clutter them with unwanted TTS.

If you are already an EDDI user and want to keep the default speech responder functionality, you will have to disable the EDDI.quietMode setting by running the customize settings disable eddi quiet mode command.


See the Configuration Variables section.

Including the Profile

When including the profile, be sure to

  • Run the startup command. You will need to have a startup command in your profile (= one that is run on profile loading) and call StreamAttack.startup from that one.
  • Make sure all EDDI events that StreamAttack needs are correctly handled. For all events used in StreamAttack that you already have handlers for in your profile, youll have to include a call to StreamAttack.<event name>. E.g. for “EDDI Jumped”, call StreamAttack.EDDI Jumped by name from your ((EDDI Jumped)) command.


  • clear jump target: clears the current jump target.

  • set jump target: sets the jump target to the currently targeted system. Distance will be written to the configured file.

  • [copy;open] ship build: copies the current ship build (coriolis) or opens it in your default browser.

  • open StreamAttack folder: opens the configured folder in Explorer.

Files the Profile Provides



  • Elite\cmdr\name: the current commanders name.

Jump Target

  • Elite\jumpTarget\distance: distance to current jump target in light years.
  • Elite\jumpTarget\full: pretty-printed <distance> ly to <name>.
  • Elite\jumpTarget\name: the current jump targets system name.


  • Elite\location\full: depending on your status, either the station you are currently docked at (+ system), the body you are currently near, or the system you are currently in.
  • Elite\location\system: the system you are currently in.


  • Elite\ship\build: your current ships loadout (link to coriolis).
  • Elite\ship\full: “<name>” | <model> | <build>.
  • Elite\ship\model: your current ships model.
  • Elite\ship\name: your current ships name.


The profile supports logging a bunch of stuff to the VoiceAttack event log. By default, logging is concise and constrained to basically error messages.

If you need more logging (usually for debugging purposes), say enable logging. If you want to enable verbose logging by default, call the Logging.enableLogging command from your custom profiles startup command.

Exposed Variables

The following Variables are global and thus readable (and writeable! Please dont unless its a config variable …) from other profiles:

Configuration Variables

There are a bunch of configuration variables. You should not overwrite those manually, instead use the provided commands in the _configuration section!

Basically all the settings are available using the customize settings prefix, then saying [enable;disable] <setting> for on/off switches and set <setting> for text variables.

  • EDDI.quietMode (boolean): whether or not to set EDDI to quite mode. Default: true.
  • EDDI.useEddiForVoice (boolean): whether to use EDDI over VAs builtin say command. Default: false.
  • StreamAttack.outputDir (string): the directory StreamAttack will save its information to. Default: %appdata%\StreamAttack\.
  • python.ScriptPath (string): the path you have placed the compiled Python scripts in. Default: “{VA_DIR}\Sounds\scripts” (the “\Sounds\scripts” folder in your VoiceAttack installation directory).

Other Variables

These variables can be used to get information about the current neutron route. Please do not set them manually and / or from outside the StreamAttack profile.

  • StreamAttack.Elite.jumpTarget (string): the current jump target.