alterNERDtive 8c70cc780e implemented EDDI VA initialized
… now sets it to quiet mode even if profile was loaded before plugin

fixes #23
2020-06-23 10:59:44 +02:00

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Raw Blame History


Changed Changelog format. Should be even clearer now at a glance!

See KeepAChangelog.

EliteDangerous 5.2


  • Support for EDDIs new Carrier events!
  • >enableCarrierAnnouncements configuration variable. Default: true.

RatAttack 3.1.1


  • Now setting EDDI to quite mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed.

SealAttack 0.1.1


  • Now setting EDDI to quite mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed.

SpanshAttack 3.1.1


  • Now setting EDDI to quite mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed.

StreamAttack 0.2.1


  • Now setting EDDI to quite mode even if the profile was loaded before plugin initialization had been completed.

v1.4 (2020-06-14)

This is basically just a bug fix release, but I happened to have one new feature ready, so its in, too!

I managed to have leftover debug output in the version of elite-scripts published with v1.3. You might have noticed after jumping into a system that had a station with data in EDDN >1 year old. Apologies.

  • New, fixed version of elite-scripts included.

EliteDangerous v5.1

  • Added shut up EDDI command. Immediately makes EDDI stop talking. Might come in handy at some point.
  • Added a bunch of target nearest <thing> commands powered by EDDIs route() function. See the docs for details.
  • Added new “Navigation” section. This includes the aforementioned new commands and a bunch of old ones that fit there better than into “Misc”.

v1.3 (2020-06-14)

EliteDangerous v5.0

You dont need to find out your bindings file anymore! It will now automatically be read from the file the game reads it from, too.

  • Removed the HOTAS buttons section. They were pretty personal to me and not very useful to other people anyway. They are in their own profile now without polluting the public one.
  • Fixed nav panel filter commands for the addition of fleet carriers.
  • Fixed the EDDI Docked event for the new interface.
  • There are a couple engineering/materials related things now. See the docs for more info.
  • Added EDDI Entered normal space event. Will now automatically throttle you to 0 upon exiting SC if >hyperSpaceDethrottle is set.
  • Replaced EDDI Commander continued with EDDI commander loading so it only runs when the game starts, not on relogging. If you dont know what that means, it probably wont affect you :)
  • Added restart from Desktop command. Useful for farming HGEs. You might want to set >delays.quitToDesktop according to your needs. Restarting the game also only works on 1080p currently. Might change in the future.
  • Updated miners tool URL.
  • Added open Inara and open materials finder commands.

RatAttack v3.1

  • Added RatAttack.[enable;disable]RatDuty commands that can be invoked externally more easily.

SpanshAttack v3.1

Now also reads the correct bindings file (automatically). Didnt read any bindings before even though it needs them …

StreamAttack v0.2

  • Now updates your location when dropping from SC.
  • Fixed some copypasta errors in the documentation.

v1.2 (2020-03-09)

EliteDangerous v4.0

The big new feature is being able to pull data from Spanshs database in addition to EDSM. That allows checking for stations that havent had their data updated in ages. Probably not that interesting to you, but I like keeping things up to date in EDDN.

  • EDDI events will now focus Elite before sending keyboard inputs. That should help with inputs being swallowed. For non-event commands Im just going to assume that Elite is already focused :)
  • Changed logic for “worthwhile” bodies while scanning a system. It will now alert you to terraformable bodies, Earth-like, Water and Ammonia Worlds. It will no longer check against a scan value.
  • Mapping a body will now announce the expected payout.
  • Added >hyperspaceDethrottle setting. Basically does the same thing as the SC Assist thing, and has been doing it forever. Now defaults to false.
  • Added a call to StreamAttack.startup to EliteDangerous.startup. Duh. And calls to the EDDI event handlers.
  • Fixed the docking request command if you currently have a target (and subsequently a forth “target” tab in your left hand panel).
  • Upon jumping into a (populated) system, will now check Spansh for stations in the system with outdated data (>1yo) and announce those.

RatAttack v3.0

  • Added open [rat;] dispatch board command. Opens the web dispatch board in your default browser.
  • Added proper handling for multiple ratsignals hitting at once. Thats mainly an IRC client config thing, see the docs.
  • Renamed RatAttack.getInfoFromRatsignal to RatAttack.announceCaseFromRatsignal. Removed the “open case?” voice input prompt.
  • Added new RatAttack.getInfoFromRatsignal command that will only add a ratsignals data to the internal case list, but not announce the case.

SpanshAttack v3.0

This now also pulls data from Spanshs database. In this case to make sure your target system is actually in there for plotting. If not, it will prompt you for coordinates and use the nearest one that is.

This means that you will now need to install my elite-scripts to run SpanshAttack. If you are using the profile package, you are doing that already and dont have to do anything.

  • Added SpanshAttack.defaultToLadenRange config option. If enabled, will pull current range from EDDI before asking you to manually input a range for your ship. Sadly that will be range with full cargo but current fuel levels. So make sure your tank is full. Will default to false for this very reason.
  • Will now check if you actually have a current and target system set and abort plotting a route if you e.g. arent logged into Elite or EDDI is throwing a fit.
  • As said above, SpanshAttack will now check for the target system being in the routers database or ask you to input target coordinates instead.

StreamAttack v0.1

This profile will write some state data to files that can then be read e.g. by OBS for streaming shenanigans. Yes, other tools do that as well, but this one is mine ;)

See the docs.

v1.1 (2020-01-30)

The compiled Python scripts are now distributed as two single .exe files. You can (but dont have to) delete the subfolders in Python.scriptDir.

RatAttack v2.0

  • [current;] rat case details changed: Now always has to include “rat” in the command to pave the way for SealAttack arriving soon™. This breaks compatibilty with the old [current;] case details command.


  • added option to auto-close on fuel+: Defaults to off. Enabled in the EliteDangerous profile.
  • added option to call jumps “left”
  • added distance commands distance to current rat case/distance to rat case number [0..19]: Both require a current version of the elite-scripts.
  • added call client offline command

SealAttack v0.1

VERY early alpha. Basically the only thing that works and is “finished” already is pasting ingame chat into Seals IRC. use .sb <msg> for #Seal-Bob and .rr <msg> for #Repair-Requests.

Use at your own risk.

SpanshAttack v2.2


  • added plot command “with custom range”: Instead of using the saved jump range for your current ship, you can now plot a route with a custom range; e.g. if you have temporarily changed modules around or have more/less cargo than usual for this trip.


  • added info about EDDB to docs: Just a little tidbit about making sure the target system is actually in the DB.

EliteDangerous v3.1


  • added jumpTarget stuff: You can now set/clear a jump target. This will start writing the distance to said target to >jumpTargetFile for inclusion e.g. in OBS. If SpanshAttack currently has a target system, jump target will default to that. A manually set target will take precedence.
  • added distance [from;to] jump target command
  • added some quick links: Coriolis, EDSM main page, EDDB (incl. station/system/faction search page). open coriolis, open e d s m, open e d d b [station;system;faction;] [search;].


  • refactored for better variable scoping
  • changed EDDI Body scanned constraint: Now checks for being in SC instead of just in FSS; will now include auto-scans of bodies, while still excluding nav beacon scan data.
  • logic around getting bodycount more sturdy: Now actually notices when the script errors out for some reason. Probably still wont notice when its flat out missing, but hey, thats PEBKAC for not using the profile package.
  • fixed race condition in EDDI ship fsd: Weirdly that only started being an issue in VA 1.8.
  • updated for new controls setup: the HOTAS buttons have changed because my setup has changed. Probably not really relevant for you.

v1.0 (2019-12-04)

single-file profile package

You can now install a single “profile package” for all the packages and related stuff (excluding required plugins)! That should make the entire setup process way less of a hassle. Future releases will just be a single file to import into VoiceAttack. See the README for more info.

Note that for this the default Python script path has changed! I recommend that you delete the now obsolote scripts folder in your VoiceAttack directory, or wherever you have installed the scripts instead. If you havent been using them, just ignore this paragraph.

new profile format

VoiceAttack 1.8 has the compressed profile as default export format. The profiles will now come in this since I would forget to change the export format every time I export them anyway. This shouldnt lead to any issues but please do open a bug if it does.

RatAttack v1.0

  • fixed first case announcement after starting VoiceAttack
  • on opening a case, VoiceAttack will now first copy the target system to the clipboard and then announce case details
  • now only executes the “nearest commander” Python script if the incoming case is actually for a platform you want to have cases announced for
  • added call wing pending command

SpanshAttack v2.1

  • will now set neutron mode and target system before getting ship range. This avoids race conditions with targeting a system, executing the plot command, then changing the targeted system.

EliteDangerous v3.0

  • added [dis;]engage silent running command

elite-scripts 0.1.1

  • fixed bug with wonky system names (including e.g. + or [])

v0.5 (2019-11-09)

RatAttack v0.1

RatAttack is now a thing! :D

SpanshAttack v2.0

  • SpanshAttack will now disable EDDIs speech responder by default. To get it back you will have to manually re-enable it after including SpanshAttack.startup. See docs for more info.
  • Fixed the target announcement when plotting. Will now properly use the plot target instead of the system that you have targeted at the moment of the announcement.
  • Requirements are now listed in the documentation.
  • Fixed auto jump on scooping. Now only queues a jump once not once per “refuelled” event (fires every 5s)

EliteDangerous v2.0.2

  • Scanning a body will now tell you if it is in a fast orbit (less than 6h).
  • Fixed the sentToX commands to do a CTRL+A before pasting text. This will prevent garbled things to be send when you have already typed some text into the edit box.
  • Now automatically toggles FlightAssist off on takeoff/undock. Set >FlightAssistOff to false in EliteDangerous.startup to disable.
  • Added [start;stop] [firing;mining]. This command will start/stop hold down the primary fire button for you; in case of mining it will also deploy your cargo scoop.
  • Fixed the discovery scan event to only tell you about differences with EDSM when EDSM knows fewer bodies (there are some issues with duplicate entries in EDSM, e.g. in Dromi)

v0.4.1 (2019-10-14)

This is a bug fix release (as the version number indicates). Mainly for changes in EDDI 3.5.0-b1. If you havent updated to the beta, DO NOT update to this version yet!

There has also been a minor update to elite-scripts this is not relevant yet, so you do not have to download the new archive.

SpanshAttack v1.3.1

  • fixed jump on scooping to no longer conflict with an already charging jump

EliteDangerous v2.0.1

  • fixed lights off command for SRV, will no longer have a loop on race condition
  • fixed discovery scan event for new EDDI variable naming
  • fixed srv lauched event to properly turn off the lights

v0.4 (2019-10-12)

SpanshAttack v1.3

  • plotting a route now aborts if no jump range was given
  • added option to clear an active neutron route on closing the game client (default: on)
  • added option to auto jump after fuel scooping (default: on)
  • fixed SpanshAttack.announceTripTime saying “1 hours” and “1 minutes” (#13)

EliteDangerous v2.0

  • added documentation! (#11)
  • fixed EliteDangerous.jumpToSuperCruise to no longer drop you from SC when called while in SC
  • fixed relog to [open;solo] command for new menu structure
  • added distance [from;to] [home;the center;Beagle Point;Colonia] command (requires python scripts, see docs)
  • now compares current system bodies to the bodies found on EDSM and gives feedback if theres a discrepancy (and you should FSS the entire system to update EDSM) (requires python scripts, see doc)
  • added compatibility for SpanshAttacks clear on shutdown

v0.3 (2019-09-22)

SpanshAttack v1.2

  • improved trip time announcements
  • trip time is now also written to the VoiceAttack log

EliteDangerous v1.0

Should be usable by other people now without too much hassle. If you run into problems, please hit me up on Discord or file an issue here.

v0.2 (2019-08-28)

SpanshAttack v1.1

  • added a command to announce (approximate) jumps left, see docs (#1)
  • added command to announce the time spent on a trip and configuration option to automatically tell it after completing it (#3)
  • fixed a race condition with waypoint pasting into the galaxy map (#2)
  • fixed the list of jumps left to announce automatically not working correctly in all cases (#4)

EliteDangerous v… dont even ask

Added EliteDangerous profile in its current state. Its in no way sanitised or advised for general use, but feel free to dig around and draw inspiration from it. Soon™ it will be published in a more usable state, but I wanted to get it out there for reference.

v0.1 (2019-08-06)

SpanshAttack v1.0

  • initial release
  • expect bugs
  • please help