• release/4.1 b0edff39de

    alterNERDtive released this 2021-05-22 18:42:19 +02:00 | 43 commits to release since this release


    • optional ~bindsFile parameter for the loadbinds plugin context: use that to specify a binds file instead of auto-detecting it from the currently active preset. (#18)


    • Updated the README to reflect that you need to load the game once, and that you need to have changed at least a single bind. (#19)
    • Updated the README to reflect that you have to use a single preset for all sections if you’re playing Odyssey.


    • Now only reading the first line of startPreset.start to work correctly with Odyssey. (#15)
    • Now correctly prioritizing .4.0.binds > .3.0.binds > .binds. (#20)